Last updated | 2003-12-01 13:18:27 EST |
Doc Title | Text Class Processing Instructions |
Author 1 | Stoeffler, Matt |
CVS Revision | $Revision: 1.6 $ |
The following table includes descriptions of all the processing instructions (PIs) that appear in TextClass templates and that are supported by the CGI (see HTML Templates / Interfaces for more on PIs), as well as links to descriptions of the relevant template files in which they may appear. Note that PIs are not interchangeable with templates; they must be supported in the CGI to be rendered properly.
PI tag | Optional parameters | Associated templates | Description |
<?AMT2_SELECT> | class="[value]" | bbagproximitysearchform.chnk proximitybbag.tpl proximitysearchform.chnk |
Returns a <SELECT> element containing proximity scope values to assign to proximity match queries (e.g., 20,40, characters) |
<?AMT3_SELECT> | class="[value]" | bbagproximitysearchform.chnk proximitybbag.tpl proximitysearchform.chnk |
Returns a <SELECT> element containing proximity scope values to assign to proximity match queries (e.g., 20,40, characters) |
<?BBPROX_NAV> | bbaglist.tpl |
Used to filter in/out links to proximity searches within bookbag items. | |
<?BBAG_BOOLEAN_SEARCH_LINK> | bbagemail.tpl bbaglist.tpl bbagproximitysearchform.chnk bbagsimplesearchform.chnk |
Provides the HREF URL for the "Boolean" search within book bag link. | |
<?BBAG_PROXIMITY_SEARCH_LINK> | bbagemail.tpl bbaglist.tpl bbagbooleansearchform.chnk bbagsimplesearchform.chnk |
Provides the HREF URL for the "proximity" search within book bag link. | |
<?BBAG_SIMPLE_SEARCH_LINK> | bbagemail.tpl bbaglist.tpl bbagbooleansearchform.chnk bbagsimplesearchform.chnk |
Provides the HREF URL for the "simple" search within book bag link. | |
<?BIB_SEARCH_LINK> | bbaglist.tpl pageviewer.pagenav.tpl navheader.chnk |
Provides the HREF URL for the "citation" search form link in the main or footer navigation bar. | |
<?BOOKBAG_ADD_REMOVE_ITEM> | header.tpl |
Used to insert a full link from a bibliographic header page for adding the current item to the book bag. | |
<?BOOKBAG_DOWNLOAD> | bbagemail.tpl bbaglist.tpl |
Used to insert a button to download book bag contents. | |
<?BOOKBAG_EMAIL> | bbaglist.tpl |
Used to insert a button to email book bag contents. | |
<?BOOKBAG_EMPTY> | bbagemail.tpl bbaglist.tpl |
Used to insert a button for removing all book bag contents. | |
<?BOOKBAG_ITEMS> | bbagemail.tpl bbaglist.tpl browse_template.tpl pageviewer.nav.tpl navheader.chnk |
Used to insert the book bag items count in the current page. | |
<?BOOKBAG_LINK> | browse_template.tpl pageviewer.nav.tpl navheader.chnk |
Provides the HREF URL for the "view bookbag" link in a page. | |
<?BOOKBAG_RESULTS> | bbaglist.tpl |
Used to insert all current book bag items within table <TR> and <TD> tags. | |
<?BOOLEAN_SEARCH_LINK> | bbaglist.tpl pageviewer.pagenav.tpl bibsearchform.chnk navheader.chnk |
Provides the HREF URL for the "boolean" search form link in the main or footer navigation bar. | |
Provides the HREF attribute value for the "boolean" search within this item link. | |
<?BROWSE_GROUPS_LINK> | search.tpl |
Provides the HREF value for a link back to the
browse groups page from the search.tpl page. |
<?CHUNK> | filename="[value]" | bbagsearch.tpl browsecolls.tpl header.tpl pageviewer.pagenav.tpl picklist.tpl reslist.tpl search.tpl searchhistory.tpl text.tpl ww-full.tpl ww-start.tpl |
Resolves to a chunk file specified in the filename attribute |
<?CITE1_INPUT> | class="[value]" size="[value]" | booleansearchform.chnk proximitysearchform.chnk simplesearchform.chnk |
Returns a form <INPUT> type=text element named cite1, for a citation field restriction in simple, boolean, or proximity search forms. |
<?CITE1_RESTRICT_SELECT> | class="[value]" | booleansearchform.chnk proximitysearchform.chnk simplesearchform.chnk |
Returns a form <SELECT> element named cite1restrict, for designating the field to apply cite1 in simple, boolean, or proximity search forms. |
<?CITE2_INPUT> | class="[value]" size="[value]" | booleansearchform.chnk proximitysearchform.chnk simplesearchform.chnk |
Returns a form <INPUT> type=text element named cite2, for a citation field restriction in simple, boolean, or proximity search forms. |
<?CITE2_RESTRICT_SELECT> | class="[value]" | booleansearchform.chnk proximitysearchform.chnk simplesearchform.chnk |
Returns a form <SELECT> element named cite2restrict, for designating the field to apply cite2 in simple, boolean, or proximity search forms. |
On multiple collection search forms, used to insert the table of available collections with check boxes for selecting or deselecting. | |
<?COLL_SPECIFIC_CONTENT > | id="navbarbrowselink" cginame="[value]" | pageviewer.pagenav.tpl bbagsearch.tpl |
Provides the HREF URL for a collection specific (e.g., browse) navigation link in main nav bar or footer nav bar. |
<?CONTACT> | type="[ link | text ]" | bbagsearch.tpl browsecolls.tpl header.tpl reslist.tpl search.tpl searchhistory.tpl text.tpl ww-full.tpl ww-start.tpl |
If type="text" returns the text contact of the contact link. If type="link" provides the HREF value for the link |
<?CSS_PATH> | filename="[value]" | accesspolicy.tpl bbagemail.tpl bbaglist.tpl bbagsearch.tpl booleanbbag.tpl browsecolls.tpl browse_template.tpl coll-home-template.tpl header.tpl home.tpl newmaterial.tpl note.tpl pageviewer.main.tpl pageviewer.nav.tpl pageviewer.pagenav.tpl picklist.tpl proximitybbag.tpl reslist.tpl searchext.tpl searchhistory.tpl search.tpl simplebbag.tpl text.tpl viewtextnote.tpl ww-full.tpl ww-start.tpl |
Invoking the fallback mechanism, resolves to an appropriate path to a named css file. |
<?DOC_ROOT> | accesspolicy.tpl bbagemail.tpl bbaglist.tpl bbagsearch.tpl browse_template.tpl browsecolls.tpl header.tpl home.tpl newmaterial.tpl note.tpl pageviewer.main.tpl pageviewer.nav.tpl pageviewer.pagenav.tpl picklist.tpl reslist.tpl search.tpl searchhistory.tpl text.tpl viewtextnote.tpl ww-full.tpl ww-start.tpl |
Used to insert the appropriate root path for the collection accessing the template for relative file reference. | |
<?FIGURES> | pageviewer.main.tpl |
Returns HTML containing thumbnails with links to continuous tone images associated with bi-tonal page facsimile page images. | |
<?GENDER_SEARCH_SELECT> | class="[filename]" | bbagbooleansearchform.chnk bbagproximitysearchform.chnk bbagsimplesearchform.chnk booleanbbag.tpl booleansearchform.chnk proximitybbag.tpl proximitysearchform.chnk simplebbag.tpl simplesearchform.chnk |
Returns a form <SELECT> element named singlegender for designating a gender value for collections allowing gender restrictions in searches. |
<?GENRE_SEARCH_SELECT> | class="[filename]" | bbagbooleansearchform.chnk bbagproximitysearchform.chnk bbagsimplesearchform.chnk booleanbbag.tpl booleansearchform.chnk proximitybbag.tpl proximitysearchform.chnk simplebbag.tpl simplesearchform.chnk |
Returns a form <SELECT> element named singlegenre for designating a genre value for collections allowing genre restrictions in searches |
<?INCLUDE_BBAG_PROXIMITY_SEARCH_LINK> | bbagbooleansearchform.chnk bbagemail.tpl bbagsimplesearchform.chnk |
Used to filter in/out HTML markup for a link to a form for performing proximity searches within bookbag. | |
<?GO_TO_XCOLL> | bbagsimplesearchform.chnk |
Provides the HREF URL for the "multiple collection search" link in a page. | |
<?GOTO_GIF> | pageviewer.pagenav.tpl |
Returns HTML for referenceing the bitmapped text
label in pageviewer.pagenav.tpl |
<?GRAPHICS_PATH> | filename="[value]" | accesspolicy.tpl browse_template.tpl home.tpl newmaterial.tpl browsecolls.tpl header.tpl reslist.tpl searchhistory.tpl text.tpl pageviewer.pagenav.tpl |
Used to insert the appropriate path and filename for a graphics file. |
<?GROUP_IN_FOCUS_NAME> | search.tpl |
Returns the name of the currently selected group
that is being searched for the search.tpl page. |
<?GROUPS_COLLS_LIST> | browsecolls.tpl |
Returns the list of available group names as links with associated collection names on the browse collections page. | |
<?GROUPS_SELECTION_NAV> | search.tpl |
Used to filter in/out HTML for the groups selection
menu in the search.tpl page. |
<?GUIDE_FRAME> | reslist.tpl |
Used to filter out HTML markup for the per-collection results summary from the results page when only one collection has been searched. | |
<?GUIDE_RESULTS_LINKS> | reslist.tpl |
That portion of the per-collection results summary code that inserts links for viewing results detail for each collection. | |
<?HEADER> | header.tpl |
Used to insert bibliographic information on a particular book within table <TR> and <TD> tags. | |
<?HEADER_TOC> | header.tpl |
Used to insert a linked table of contents from a book header display to the text display. | |
<?HEADER_TOC_LABEL> | header.tpl |
Returns a text string indicating the appropriate heading label for the conttents list in the header template. | |
<?HELP_LINK> | bbaglist.tpl browse_template.tpl pageviewer.pagenav.tpl navheader.chnk simplesearchform.chnk |
Provides the HREF URL for the "help" link in the main or footer navigation bar. | |
<?HIDDEN_BOOKBAG> | search.tpl ww-full.tpl ww-start.tpl bbagbooleansearchform.chnk bbagproximitysearchform.chnk bbagsimplesearchform.chnk |
Returns a hidden form variable named "bookbag" that is set to 1 if the current search form is restricted to the current bookbag. | |
<?HIDDEN_CHECKED_ITEMS> | fullscrollform.chnk |
Used to insert one or more hidden INPUT elements into a word index form to retain values checked in the index in previous pages. | |
<?HIDDEN_DEBUG> | search.tpl ww-full.tpl ww-start.tpl |
Used to flag the existence of a debug parameter in a call to the search template. Returns an <INPUT> type=hidden element with name equal to debug, and value equal to the param value. | |
<?HIDDEN_G> | pageviewer.pagenav.tpl search.tpl ww-full.tpl ww-start.tpl bbagbooleansearchform.chnk bbagproximitysearchform.chnk bbagsimplesearchform.chnk fullnewsearchform.chnk fullscrollform.chnk |
Returns a hidden form variable indicating the current group. | |
<?HIDDEN_IDNO> | pageviewer.pagenav.tpl search.tpl ww-full.tpl ww-start.tpl |
Returns a hidden form variable indicating current item id number. | |
<?HIDDEN_REQUESTED_COLLECTIONS> | pageviewer.pagenav.tpl search.tpl ww-full.tpl ww-start.tpl bbagbooleansearchform.chnk bbagproximitysearchform.chnk bbagsimplesearchform.chnk |
Used to insert a hidden INPUT element into a search form storing the currently selected collection[s]. | |
<?HIDDEN_REQUESTED_REALM> | fullnewsearchform.chnk fullscrollform.chnk |
Used to insert a hidden INPUT element in a word index form to indicate the search region for the index terms. | |
<?HIDDEN_REQUESTED_TOPBOTTOM> | fullscrollform.chnk |
Used to insert hidden INPUT elements in a word index form to indicate the top and bottom terms in the current slice of the word index. | |
<?HIDDEN_SID> | pageviewer.pagenav.tpl search.tpl ww-full.tpl ww-start.tpl bbagbooleansearchform.chnk bbagproximitysearchform.chnk bbagsimplesearchform.chnk fullnewsearchform.chnk fullscrollform.chnk |
Used to insert hidden INPUT form elements indicating the current session id. | |
<?HIDDEN_SORT_VARS> | reslist.tpl |
For the sort form, returns a list of <INPUT> type hidden elements. | |
<?HIDDEN_XC> | pageviewer.pagenav.tpl search.tpl ww-full.tpl ww-start.tpl bbagbooleansearchform.chnk bbagproximitysearchform.chnk bbagsimplesearchform.chnk fullnewsearchform.chnk fullscrollform.chnk |
Reflects a possible xc cgi parameter pair as an INPUT element of type hidden. The xc parameter is used to flag the current environment to indicate collection or group specific elements to the user interface (e.g., collection home link URLs, fallback modes, etc.). | |
<?HIDDEN_XG> | search.tpl ww-full.tpl ww-start.tpl bbagbooleansearchform.chnk bbagproximitysearchform.chnk bbagsimplesearchform.chnk |
Reflects a possible xg cgi parameter pair as an INPUT element of type hidden. The xg parameter is used to flag the current enviroment for searching; the presence of an xg=1 says to display the group select frame. | |
<?HOME_LINK> | accesspolicy.tpl browse_template.tpl newmaterial.tpl pageviewer.nav.tpl pageviewer.pagenav.tpl navheader.chnk |
Returns the HREF value for a link going to the collection/group home. | |
<?INCLUDE_BBAG_PROXIMITY_SEARCH_LINK> | bbagbooleansearchform.chnk bbagemail.tpl bbagsimplesearchform.chnk |
Used to filter in/out HTML markup for a link to a form for performing proximity searches on bookbag contents. | |
<?INCLUDE_BOOKBAG_LINK> | navheader.chnk |
Used to filter in/out HTML markup for a link to the "view bookbag" link. | |
<?INCLUDE_BOOKBAG_SEARCH_LINKS> | bbagemail.tpl bbaglist.tpl |
Used to insert or exclude HTML markup for optional search links on book bag contents and/or email forms. | |
<?INCLUDE_COLL_LIST_WITH_CHECKBOXES> | search.tpl ww-full.tpl ww-start.tpl |
Used in search.tpl to filter in/out HTML markup containing the current colletions for the selected group. |
<?INCLUDE_COLL_SPECIFIC_CONTENT> | id="[value]" | bbagsearch.tpl pageviewer.pagenav.tpl |
Used to include or exclude navigation link code for features that are available only for certain collections. |
Used to include or exclude HTML markup for navigation elements specific to the results item details display. | |
<?INCLUDE_GO_TO_XCOLL> | browse_template.tpl pageviewer.nav.tpl navheader.chnk |
Used to include or exclude HTML markup for link going to the multiple collection search. | |
<?INCLUDE_GROUPS_SELECTION_NAV> | search.tpl ww-full.tpl ww-start.tpl |
Used to include or exclude HTML links for selecting alternative groups in a mult-collection search interface. | |
<?INCLUDE_LINK_TO_POD> | header.tpl pageviewer.nav.html |
Used to include or exclude HTML markup for a button referenceing a form for ordering print on demand services. | |
<?INCLUDE_PROXIMITY_SEARCH_LINK> | bibsearchform.chnk booleansearchform.chnk simplesearchform.chnk |
Used to filter in/out HTML markup for a link to a form for performing proximity searches within currently selected collection[s]. | |
Used to filter in/out HTML markup for a link to a form for performing proximity searches within the current item. | |
<?INCLUDE_NON_RESTRICTED_SEARCH_LINKS> | booleansearchform.chnk proximitysearchform.chnk simplesearchform.chnk |
Used to filter in/out HTML links to wordwheel, proximity, and bib search types. | |
<?INCLUDE_RETURN_TO_RESULTS> | header.tpl pageviewer.pagenav.tpl reslist.tpl text.tpl |
Returns a link to the current results list from a header, text, or pageviewer display. | |
<?INCLUDE_SEARCH_TAB> | pageviewer.pagenav.tpl navheader.chnk |
Used to filter in/out HTML markup for the "Search" navigation tab. | |
Used to include or exclude HTML markup for elements (I.e., sorting) specific to the short results display | |
<?INCLUDE_SIZE_SELECT> | pageviewer.pagenav.tpl |
Used to include or exclude HTML code for a page size menu in pageviewer. | |
<?JS_PATH> | filename="[value]" | pageviewer.main.tpl bbagsearch.tpl browse_template.tpl browsecolls.tpl header.tpl search.tpl searchhistory.tpl ww-full.tpl ww-start.tpl note.tpl picklist.tpl text.tpl |
Returns the correct path to collection specific or class default javascript file. |
<?JS_REGION_ARRAYS> | search.tpl |
Used in multiple search forms to provide Javascript code for implementing the collection selecting functionality. | |
<?JUMP_TO_RESULTS_LABEL> | header.tpl |
In the header template, provides the text of a locally targetted anchor that jumps from the top of the page to the table of contents or full list of pages. | |
<?LINK_TO_POD> | header.tpl pageviewer.nav.html |
Returns a link referenceing a form for ordering print on demand services. | |
<?MAIN_FRAME_SRC> | pageviewer.frameset.tpl |
Provides the SRC URL for the page content frame in the pageviewer frameset. | |
<?NAV_FRAME_SRC> | pageviewer.frameset.tpl |
Provides the SRC URL for the navigation frame in the pageviewer frameset. | |
<?NAV_TAB_STYLE_OVERRIDES> | bbagsearch.tpl browsecolls.tpl pageviewer.nav.tpl picklist.tpl reslist.tpl search.tpl searchhistory.tpl text.tpl ww-full.tpl ww-start.tpl |
Returns a <LINK> element with path to a stylesheet containing appropriate style declarations for the current navigation context (i.e., which tab is highlighted?). | |
Previously used in search forms to indicate the number of collections currently being searched. | |
<?OP2_SELECT> | class="[value]" | bbagbooleansearchform.chnk bbagproximitysearchform.chnk bibsearchform.chnk booleansearchform.chnk proximitysearchform.chnk |
Returns a form <SELECT> element named op2, for designating the boolean operator value between input values q1 and q2. |
<?OP3_SELECT> | class="[value]" | bbagbooleansearchform.chnk bbagproximitysearchform.chnk bibsearchform.chnk booleansearchform.chnk proximitysearchform.chnk |
Returns a form <SELECT> element named op3, for designating the boolean operator value between input values q2 and q3. |
<?ORG_INFO> | type="[text|link]" | bbagsearch.tpl |
If type="text" returns the text of the orgainization info link. If type="link" provides the HREF value for the link |
<?PAGE_IMAGE_OR_TEXT> | pageviewer.main.tpl |
Returns source for the content of the current page in pageviewer, whether it be raw text or a facsimile page image. | |
<?PAGE_NAV_FRAME_SRC> | pageviewer.frameset.tpl |
Provides the SRC URL for the document navigation frame in the pageviewer frameset. | |
<?PAGE_SELECT> | onchange="[value]" | pageviewer.pagenav.tpl |
Used to insert the select menu for jumping to a page in the current book in pageviewer. |
<?PAGETYPE> | search.tpl |
Returns text indicating the current search type. | |
<?PERIOD_SEARCH_SELECT> | class="[value]" | bbagbooleansearchform.chnk bbagproximitysearchform.chnk bbagsimplesearchform.chnk booleansearchform.chnk proximitysearchform.chnk simplesearchform.chnk |
Returns a form <SELECT> element named singleperiod for designating a period value for collections allowing period restrictions in searches. |
<?PICKLIST> | picklist.tpl |
Used to insert a linked list of possible titles to select for viewing in pageviewer or text display. | |
<?PREV_NEXT_ITEM_LINKS> | reslist.tpl |
Used to insert HREF URL code for the previous and next item when displaying results details for a particular item. | |
<?PROX_NAV> | navheader.chnk pageviewer.pagenav.tpl |
Used to filter in/out HTML markup for a link in the main nav menu to the proximity search form. | |
<?PROXIMITY_SEARCH_LINK> | bbaglist.tpl pageviewer.pagenav.tpl bibsearchform.chnk navheader.chnk |
Returns the HREF value for a link to the proximity search form | |
Provides the HREF attribute value for the "proximity" search within this item link. | |
<?PUB_BETWEEN_SEARCH_SELECT> | class="[value]" | bbagbooleansearchform.chnk bbagproximitysearchform.chnk bbagsimplesearchform.chnk booleansearchform.chnk proximitysearchform.chnk simplesearchform.chnk |
Returns a pair of form <SELECT> elements named firstpubl1 and firstpubl2 for designating a date range value for collections allowing date range restrictions in searches. |
<?Q1_INPUT> | size="[value]" class="[value]" | bbagbooleansearchform.chnk bbagproximitysearchform.chnk bbagsimplesearchform.chnk bibsearchform.chnk booleansearchform.chnk proximitysearchform.chnk simplesearchform.chnk ww-fullform.chnk ww-fullnewsearchform.chnk ww-start.tpl |
Used to insert an INPUT box, q1, into a search form for the first query term. |
<?Q2_INPUT> | size="[value]" class="[value]" | bbagbooleansearchform.chnk bbagproximitysearchform.chnk bbagsimplesearchform.chnk bibsearchform.chnk booleansearchform.chnk proximitysearchform.chnk simplesearchform.chnk ww-fullform.chnk ww-fullnewsearchform.chnk ww-start.tpl |
Used to insert an INPUT box, q2, into a search form for the second query term. |
<?Q3_INPUT> | size="[value]" class="[value]" | bbagbooleansearchform.chnk bbagproximitysearchform.chnk bbagsimplesearchform.chnk bibsearchform.chnk booleansearchform.chnk proximitysearchform.chnk simplesearchform.chnk ww-fullform.chnk ww-fullnewsearchform.chnk ww-start.tpl |
Used to insert an INPUT box, q3, into a search form for the third query term. |
<?RE_AUTH_LINK> | browse_template.tpl home.tpl pageviewer.nav.tpl navheader.chnk |
Provides the HREF URL for the "Authorized user login" link from any page. | |
<?REFINE_SEARCH_LINK> | reslist.tpl |
Returns a link to a results display to return to a search form to refine the search. | |
<?REGION1_SEARCH_SELECT> | class="[value]" | bibsearchform.chnk |
Returns a form <SELECT> element named reg1 for designating the field to apply q1 to in bibliographic searches |
<?REGION2_SEARCH_SELECT> | class="[value]" | bibsearchform.chnk |
Returns a form <SELECT> element named reg2 for designating the field to apply q2 to in bibliographic searches |
<?REGION3_SEARCH_SELECT> | class="[value]" | bibsearchform.chnk |
Returns a form <SELECT> element named reg3 for designating the field to apply q3 to in bibliographic searches |
<?RESULTS> | reslist.tpl |
Inserts detailed results listings within table <TR> and <TD> tags | |
<?RETURN_TO_RESULTS> | pageviewer.nav.tpl reslist.tpl |
Used to insert an HTML link back to results listings from the pageviewer. | |
<?SCOPEDNOTE> | note.tpl |
Used to insert the content of a linked note in a target window. | |
Inserts the section heading of the content of a linked note. | |
<?SCRIPT_NAME> | cginame="[value]" | pageviewer.pagenav.tpl accesspolicy.tpl bbagemail.tpl bbaglist.tpl home.tpl newmaterial.tpl reslist.tpl search.tpl ww-start.tpl |
Used to insert a relevant script name into a collection-specific URL path. |
<?SEARCH_COLLID> | reslist.tpl |
Returns the collection name currently being search to a search summary display atop the results list. | |
<?SEARCH_HISTORY_LINK> | bbaglist.tpl pageviewer.pagenav.tpl bibsearchform.chnk booleansearchform.chnk navheader.chnk proximitysearchform.chnk simplesearchform.chnk |
Provides the HREF URL for the "history" page link in the main or footer navigation bar. | |
<?SEARCH_HISTORY_TABLE> | searchhistory.tpl |
Returns the list of recent searches in table markup. | |
Returns the currently query string to a search summary display atop the results list. | |
<?SEARCH_QUALIFIER> | reslist.tpl |
Used to add an appended qualifier to the search summary statement of a results list indicating that the search was restricted to either a bookbag or a specific text. | |
<?SEARCH_RESTRICTION> | ww-full.tpl ww-start.tpl |
Returns HTML markup containing the bibliographic info of an item currently being searched. | |
<?SEARCH_TYPE> | search.tpl ww-full.tpl ww-start.tpl |
Returns the current search type value for the hidden variable "type" in search form templates. | |
<?SEARCH_TYPE_NAME> | reslist.tpl |
Returns the current search type value for the results page search summary | |
<?SEARCH_TYPE_TEXT> | bbagsearch.tpl search.tpl searchhistory.tpl ww-full.tpl ww-start.tpl |
Returns the current search type value for the search page header. | |
<?SEARCHES_RESTRICT_TEXT> | booleansearchform.chnk proximitysearchform.chnk simplesearchform.chnk |
Used to add an appending qualifier to the label preceding a list of alternative search links indicating that the searches apply to the current bookbag. | |
<?SGML_RESULTS> | text.tpl |
Returns the item text in HTML markup in text view. | |
<?SIMPLE_SEARCH_LINK> | accesspolicy.tpl bbaglist.tpl browse_template.tpl newmaterial.tpl pageviewer.pagenav.tpl bibsearchform.chnk navheader.chnk |
Provides the HREF attribute value for the "basic" search . | |
Provides the HREF attribute value for the "basic" search within this item link. | |
<?SINGLE_GENDER> | bbagbooleansearchform.chnk bbagproximitysearchform.chnk bbagsimplesearchform.chnk booleansearchform.chnk proximitysearchform.chnk simplesearchform.chnk |
Used to filter in/out HTML markup to add form elements for restricting searches based on gender information. | |
<?SINGLE_GENRE> | bbagbooleansearchform.chnk bbagproximitysearchform.chnk bbagsimplesearchform.chnk booleansearchform.chnk proximitysearchform.chnk simplesearchform.chnk |
Used to filter in/out HTML markup to add form elements for restricting searches based on genre information. | |
<?SINGLE_PERIOD> | bbagbooleansearchform.chnk bbagproximitysearchform.chnk bbagsimplesearchform.chnk booleansearchform.chnk proximitysearchform.chnk simplesearchform.chnk |
Used to filter in/out HTML markup to add form elements for restricting searches based on historical period information. | |
<?SINGLE_PUB_BETWEEN> | bbagbooleansearchform.chnk bbagproximitysearchform.chnk bbagsimplesearchform.chnk booleansearchform.chnk proximitysearchform.chnk simplesearchform.chnk |
Used to filter in/out HTML markup to add form elements for restricting searches by beginning and ending publication dates. | |
<?SIZE_SELECT> | onchange="[value]" | pageviewer.pagenav.tpl |
Used to insert a select menu for changing the size of a page image in pageviewer. |
<?SLICE_NAVIGATION_LINKS> | occ="[value]" | reslist.tpl |
Used to insert the links navigating between the current page of search results and other pages of results. |
<?SORT_SELECT> | onchange="[value]" | reslist.tpl |
Inserts a form select element providing options for sorting results. |
<?TITLE> | mode="[value]" | bbagemail.tpl bbaglist.tpl bbagsearch.tpl browse_template.tpl browsecolls.tpl header.tpl note.tpl pageviewer.main.tpl pageviewer.nav.tpl picklist.tpl reslist.tpl search.tpl searchhistory.tpl text.tpl viewtextnote.tpl ww-full.tpl ww-start.tpl |
Used to insert the collection title logo as an HTML graphic or text string within <A> tags linking to the collection home page. |
<?VIEW_ENTIRE_TEXT_LINK> | header.tpl |
Returns a link to view the entire text in the browser window. The link goes first to an obligatory warning message to the user. | |
<?VIEW_SELECT> | onchange="[value]" | pageviewer.pagenav.tpl |
Used to insert a form SELECT menu into pageviewer navigation frame for selecting "view page as" options. |
<?VIEW_TEXT_LINK> | viewtextnote.tpl |
Appears in a warning notice before linking to the full length of a given text. The PI returns the HREF URL to the link. | |
<?VIEWFORM_HIDDEN_VARS> | exclude="[value]" | pageviewer.pagenav.tpl |
Replaced with the necessary input type="hidden" elements for the viewform form in pageviewer. |
<?WORDWHEEL_COMBINED_TABLE_ROWS> | fullform.chnk fullscrollform.chnk |
Used to insert the list of terms and occurence numbers (within table <TR> and <TD> tags) for each slice of a word index. | |
<?WORDWHEEL_QUICK_LINK> | class="[value]" | ww-full.tpl ww-start.tpl |
Used to insert alphabetical and/or numeric indexes into a word index as HTML links. |
<?WORDWHEEL_RADIO_GROUP> | name="realm" columns="[value]" | ww-start.tpl |
Used to insert RADIO buttons into word index forms for selecting realms (i.e., text regions) to retrieve word indexes from. |
<?WORDWHEEL_SEARCH_LINK> | bbaglist.tpl pageviewer.pagenav.tpl bibsearchform.chnk booleansearchform.chnk navheader.chnk proximitysearchform.chnk simplesearchform.chnk |
Returns the HREF value for a link to the word wheel search form | |
<?WORDWHEEL_UP_BUTTON> | fullscrollform.chnk |
Used to insert HTML markup for the "scroll-up" button in the word index. | |
<?WW_NAV> | pageviewer.pagenav.tpl bibsearchform.chnk booleansearchform.chnk navheader.chnk proximitysearchform.chnk simplesearchform.chnk |
Used to insert or exclude an HTML link to a word index search form. |