BibClass relies on default templates for the "simple" and "advanced" search interfaces and builds these from variables in the collection database, as presented through collmgr. An index.tpl is required for each collection and placed at /{DLXSROOT}/web/c/collid. Instructions on editing the index.tpl are provided below. It is also possible to build specialized web pages (e.g., a browse page for a relatively small collection) and link these from index.tpl.
A sample index.tpl is provided as a working example of an index.tpl. Items that should be added or changed are in curly braces (e.g., { }).
<head> <title> </title> <meta content="template generated html"> <link rel="MADE" href="mailto:"> <link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="$STYLE_SHEET_URL"> <link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="$STYLE_SHEET_SPECIFIC_URL"> </head>Provide a title for the collection and add the "help" e-mail address in the LINK element, as in LINK rel="MADE" href="".
<p align="left"> <a href="$SIMPLE_SEARCH_LINK"> <font size="4">Simple Search</font> </a> Search for a word or phrase in a title, a main heading or anywhere in the entry. </p> <p align="left"> <a href="$BOOLEAN_SEARCH_LINK"> <font size="4">Advanced Search</font></a> Search for combinations of words or phrases in a title, main heading or anywhere in the entry. </p>
<center><p><a href="$COLLECTION_HELP">Help</a></center>
Information will be provided about creating supporting web pages for other types of access (e.g., browsing). For working examples of this, please see the Digital Library Federation's Digital Library Documents collection.