Section: User Commands (1)
Updated: November 2000
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dbbuild - XPAT database build control program  


dbbuild [ -ver ] [ -v ] [ -no_run ] [ -l "logfile" ] [ -no_ff ] [ -no_opt ] [ -merge ] [ -dos ] [ -m " memory" k|m ] [ -o " output_prefix" ] [ -w " word_wheel" ] [ -wwdb ] [ -f " Fast_Region_file" ] [ [ -t " tags_file" ] | [ -inp " inp_file" ] | [ -c " regions_config_file" ] ] [ -O " optimize_file" ] [ -tmp " temp_file" ] [ -u " user_tags_file" ] [ -r " phase_count" ] -D data_dictionary  


dbbuild builds all the necessary files for the database specified by data_dictionary. A data_dictionary must be prepared before using dbbuild, as well as a template file for any user meta-data (see mfsbld(1)). Refer to the Database Administration Guide for further details.  


version - display version number. This option identifies the version number of the program and then exits.
verbose - specify verbose mode. This option tells dbbuild to turn on the verbose mode of all the index-building programs it runs. With verbose mode turned on, these programs print progress messages as they proceed. By default, dbbuild works quietly, only printing a minimum of messages.
do not run- specify that dbbuild should not run the index builders. This option tells dbbuild to display the commands that it would issue to build the database. This allows the user to redirect the output from dbbuild to a file, which could then be executed as a shell script. In this mode, the commands themselves are not executed.
-l log_file
log - specify the log file. This option tells dbbuild to send all the progress information that is produced by the programs that it runs to the specified log_file. This option is very useful for recording the details of the build process in long build operations or in helping to diagnose any build problems that might occur. This option can be used in combination with the -v option, in which case the diagnostic output is sent to both the screen and the log file.
no Fast Find indices - eliminates the building of Fast Find indices. Open Text strongly recommends the building of Fast Find indices, especially for MFS databases. Fast Find indices are built by default.
no optimization - turn optimization off. When building MFS databases, dbbuild uses an optimization method by default. This optimization involves generating the virtual text of the entire MFS database and writing it out to a temporary file on disk at the same time as it builds the FileMap. dbbuild then runs all the index-building programs on that text file. It deletes the text file when all the necessary files have been built. This temporary text file is usually considerably smaller than the total size of all the word processor files combined, especially in databases which consist mainly of word processor files. This is because a significant amount of space is used in each file for word processor formatting commands and related overhead.
In some situations, the disk space required for this file is simply not available. In these cases, the -no_opt option may be specified to allow dbbuild to proceed with the database build, at a somewhat slower speed.
region merging - make multirgn and sgmlrgn to merge the new regions into the existing regions. If the regions with the same name happens in different region building phase, the later set of regions will completely replace the old region set. This option allows the regions with the same name to be merged into the same region set without replacement.
dos processing option - make sgmlrgn processing aware of special MS-DOS characters. With this option, sgmlrgn will replace the special MS-DOS characters to blank in order to avoid error during parsing.
-m Nk
-m Nm
memory - use N kilobytes or N megabytes of physical memory during the database building process. The speed with which the various index building programs operate is affected by the amount of physical memory available. By default, dbbuild allocates 512 KB of memory for the index building programs it runs. While this is adequate for very small databases, larger databases benefit by allocating more physical memory. The -m option specifies how much memory programs can use. A number immediately followed by the letter k specifies that number of kilobytes. A number immediately followed by the letter m specifies that number of megabytes. For instance, `-m 4m' allocates 4 megabytes of memory for use by programs invoked by dbbuild. For large databases (where the text is broken into more than 10 chunks by xpatbld), the amount of memory that is specified is critical to the efficiency of the build operation. Refer to the xpatbld(1) man page and the section on xpatbld parameters in the Database Administration Guide for the details on how to specify this memory parameter.
-o output_prefix
output filename prefix - specify the prefix to use for output files. This option explicitly specifies the output filename prefix for the files produced by the indexing programs. The default prefix is the prefix of the data_dictionary.
-w word_wheel
word wheel - specify that dbbuild is to build a word wheel file. dbbuild will build this file using any regions prefixed with a ``*'' character in the regions_list_file. See the Database Administration Guide for an explanation of the word wheel.
word wheel - specify that dbbuild is to build a XPAT database on the word wheel file specified with the -w word_wheel option. dbbuild will also build region indices in the word wheel database for any regions prefixed with a ``*'' character in the regions_list_file. See the Database Administration Guide for an explanation of the word wheel.
-f Fast_Region_file
Fast-Region list file - specify that dbbuild is to build Fast-Region indices over the regions listed in the Fast_Region_file. The file should contain one region name per line. If a region name is prefixed with a "*" character, dbbuild will build regions indices for the corresponding region in the word wheel database (see the -w option). See the Database Administration Guide for an explanation of Fast-Regions.
-t tag_file
tag names file - specify that dbbuild is to build region indices over the tags in the database listed in the tag_file file. This file is passed directly to multirgn. The tag names file is only used with consolidated databases. Refer to the sections on building Release 5.0 databases in the Database Administration Guide and the multirgn(1) man page for more information on the tag_file file.
The -t, -inp and -c options are mutually exclusive. The -t and -inp files are used with consolidated databases. The -c option is used with MFS databases.
-inp inp_file
inp file - specify that dbbuild is to build region indices over the database using the sgmlrgn program in region mode. Refer to the sections on building Release 5.0 databases in the Database Administration Guide and the sgmlrgn(1) man page for more information on the inp_file file.
The -t, -inp and -c options are mutually exclusive. The -t and -inp files are used with consolidated databases. The -c option is used with MFS databases.
-c regions_config_file
regions configuration file - specify that dbbuild is to build region indices over the sections of the MFS database specified in the regions_config_file. The regions configuration file is only used with MFS databases. The regions configuration file can consist of a mixture two types of regions specifications: multirgn and sgmlrgn. multirgn regions specifications consist of the following tags:
Each such specification instructs dbbuild to invoke multirgn to build region indices over the files referenced in the Data Dictionary by the DisplayFmt using TagFile specified. See the multirgn(1) man page for further details.
sgmlrgn regions specifications consist of the following tags:
Each such specification instructs dbbuild to invoke sgmlrgn to build region indices over the files references in the Data Dictionary by the GroupName, using the .inp file specified. See the sgmlrgn(1) man page for further details.
The -t, -inp and -c options are mutually exclusive. The -t and -inp files are used with consolidated databases. The -c option is used with MFS databases.
-O optimize_file
optimize file - specify the name and location of the MFS optimization file. This is useful if there is not enough space on the current disk to hold both the database and the optimization file. If both -no_opt and -O options are specified on the command line, dbbuild will take the last specification as the correct specification.
-tmp temp_file
temporary filename prefix - specify the file name prefix and location of the xpatbld and xpatffi temporary files. This is useful if the current disk does not have enough space to hold both the database and the temporary files.
-r phase_count
restart - specify that dbbuild is to restart from the last successful build phase and continue for another phase_count phases. This is useful for stepping through each of the phases of dbbuild. If more phases are specified then remain in the database build, dbbuild continues until it has finished. If the -r option is specified for a dbbuild that was never started, dbbuild starts from the beginning of the database building process. The phase information is stored in the file called restart.ot in the local directory.
-u user_tags_file
tags file for user meta data - specify that dbbuild should use the user_tags_file to build regions within the user meta data. The format of the user_tags_file is as for the -t option. The -u option is used with MFS databases.


A typical consolidated database building session is invoked with the following parameters:

  dbbuild -v -l logfile -m 28m -o db -D db.dd

This example specifies that messages generated during the building process should be echoed to the screen (-v) and to the log file called logfile (-l logfile). 28 megabytes of memory are allocated to dbbuild (-m 28m) and the index files are all named with the prefix `db' (-o db). The Data Dictionary is called `db.dd' (-D db.dd).

Should the user stop the build process before it completes, the following will restart dbbuild after the last successful build phase and will stop after the next two phases are complete:

  dbbuild -r 2

A typical MFS database building session is invoked with the following parameters:

  dbbuild -v -l logfile -m 28m -o db -c db.cfg -D db.dd

All the parameters for this build operation are the same as for the consolidated database example, except that db.dd is an MFS Data Dictionary and there is a regions configuration file (db.cfg).
For this example, assume the Data Dictionary had the following FilterChain specifications:


This Data Dictionary specifies three FilterChains which we will characterize by their DisplayFmts. The first FilterChain consists of a directory of word processor files, which have no structure tags. The second FilterChain consists of a file called bus, which is a tagged text file suitable for multirgn to build region indices over. The third FilterChain consists of an SGML file, which is suitable for sgmlrgn to build region indices over.
The following is an appropriate regions configuration file (db.cfg) for the above Data Dictionary:


When dbbuild is run with this regions configuration file, multirgn will be run over the files specified by the bus DisplayFmt using the bus/bus.tag tag names file. sgmlrgn will be run over the files specified by the sgml,simple DisplayFmt using the .inp called simple/simple.inp.
Note that no region indices will be built over the word processor files specified by the wp DisplayFmt.
Again, the user can also use the restart option.



The dbbuild program works by invoking each of the necessary database building tools in the correct sequence. The following paragraphs describe how each of these tools works.

The first phase in building an MFS database is to generate the FileMap. The FileMap is generated by the mfsbld program. This program reads the MFS fields in the Data Dictionary and generates the three FileMap files. Refer to the mfsbld(1) man page for further details. This phase is skipped for regular databases.

Once mfsbld has finished building the FileMap, dbbuild calls the xpatbld program to build the Main Index. Refer to the xpatbld(1) man page for further details on this process.

The next phase builds the Fast-Find Index. This index is built using the xpatffi and xpatffw programs. Refer to the xpatffi(1) and xpatffw(1) man pages for further details on the Fast-Find indices and their build programs.

The final phase involves building the region indices using the multirgn program. Note that dbbuild passes the name of the tag_names file directly to multirgn. Refer to the multirgn(1) man page for further details about this program.

Once the region building process has completed, dbbuild removes any temporary files and then exits. The database is then ready to be searched with xpat.  


mfsbld(1), xpatbld(1), multirgn(1), xpatfsr(1), xpatffi(1), xpatffw(1), data_dict(5), mfs(5)




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