DLXS Release Notes
DLXS Release 11 - 5 DEC 2003
General Information
DLXS Release 11 is comprised of:
- BibClass version 3.1.0
- Broker20 version 1.1.0
- Collmgr version 3.1.0
- FindaidClass version 5.0.0
- ImageClass version 3.0.0
- Lib version 3.2.0
- TextClass version 3.2.0
- XClass version 2.1.0
- XPAT version 5.3.0
- XslFallback version 1.0.0
- IdResolver version 1.0.0
- dlxsd version 1.0.1
- mrsid_retrieve version 1.3.1
- tif2web version 1.0.3
- kakadu version 4.0.2
- cjpeg version 6b
Known Problems
XPAT 5.3.0 is generally backward-compatible with indexes generated by 5.2.x subject to a few isolated
misses during searching. Re-indexing with 5.3 xpatbld resolves this deficiency.
The SQL::Statement version 1.005 perl module is not backward compatible with version 0.1021. Version 0.1021 was typical with Perl version 5.6.1 whereas 1.005 is typical of Perl 5.8.0. We recommend you install perl 5.8.0 and SQL::Statement 1.005 or higher. The workaround mentioned below may not be required when SQL::Statement 1.006 becomes available. Because of this the following constraints and workarounds apply.
- collmgr
- Functions normally with either 0.1021 or 1.005
- dbmove
- Functions normally moving CSV to MySQL under either 1.005 or 0.1021
- Incorrectly uppercases column names when moving MySQL to CSV under 1.005. The workaround is to lower case the resulting column names using an ascii editor.
- Fails completely under 0.1021 moving CSV to MySQL or vice versa..
- upgrade_1_2, upgrade_2_3, upgrade_3_4
- Functions normally upgrading a MySQL database under either 1.005 or 0.1021
- Incorrectly uppercases column names when upgrading CSV under 1.005. The workaround is to lower case the resulting column names using an ascii editor.
Image Class Known Problems
XPAT version 5.3.0
- 5.3.0 is a major new release of XPAT. Two new binaries, xpatbldu and xpatu enable indexing and searching of UTF-8 encoded Unicode XML data. Full Unicode support in the middleware will become available in a following release. In addition, "Lite" non-Unicode versions of these tools together with sgmlrgn and multirgn are now freely available without license fees and may be downloaded from http://www.dlxs.org.
- 5.3.0 is generally backward-compatible with indexes generated by 5.2.x subject to a few isolated
misses during searching. 5.3 can read 5.2 indexes albeit with a warning that it is not possible for 5.3 to determine whether the Data Dictionary has changed since the 5.2 index was built because the integrity checksum for 5.3 indexes is different than for 5.2.
- XPAT 5.2.x cannot read indexes generated by 5.3. That is, 5.3 is not forward-compatible.
- Because XPAT 5.2.x cannot read indexes generated by 5.3 and because DLXS sites may continue to use 5.2 for a period of time we've chosen to deliver 5.2 versions of the sample data indexes.
- With respect to Unicode support for element names and attribute names and values, xmlrgn is limited to Unicode code points in the range from 0 to 127 decimal, i.e. to USASCII values. multirgn should be used to create region indexes for XML where element names and/or attributes and attribute values are outside this range.
Lib version 3.2.0
New and Changed Functionality
- Support for CGM (Cornel--Goettingen-Michigan protocol
- New parent class DLXSClass with children BibClass, FullTextClass
- Support for newly released ID Resolver.
- New parent class PIFiller supporting subclasses PerlPIFiller and XsltPIFiller for Perl and XSLT filtering.
- New module CGMResult.pm to handle CGM result set
- Member data keys changed to lower case
- CollsInfo.pm: Addition of access methods for "globalnamespace"
so that code could be shared. Also changed passing
of object creation parameters as a hash rather than
as an array.
- DbUtils.pm: routines were added to
to provide new basic functionality for storing and
retrieving rows.
- LibGlobals.cfg: Updated configuration of idresolver. The $gIdResolver variable is
now initially set to the value of the virtual host
for the idresolver rather than the URL for the idresolver.
- New module PIFiller.pm with subclasses PerlPIFiller.pm and XsltPIFiller.pm generalizing the filtering of XML for output.
- QueryFactory.pm: Changed 'and' to 'or in NaturalLanguageBaseQuery
in the case where the search type is 'simple' and
there are multiple q1's since the query is logically
q1 + q1 + ... + q1 i.e. a disjunction not a conjunction. Change an '&' character into '&' which is the form it must have in XML so user can
search for e.g. "Memphis Light, Gas & Water" but protect
actual entered character entity references like 'é'.
- upgrade_3_4 utility provided to upgrade to version 4 of database.
Obsolete fields in this release are as follows (TableName:fieldname):
- BibClass:dddir
- ImageClass:dddir
- TextClass:tcumodule
- TextClass:standalonename
- ImageClass:banner
- TextClass:lel
- GroupData:groupstandalonename
- TextClass:maxdepthitems
- TextClass:standalonename
- ImageClass:banner
Text Class version 3.2.0
New and Changed Functionality
- Support for remote collection searching via new CGM protocol.
- Partial implementation of XSLT filtering; more work to follow.
- Minor template changes
- Significant architectural change introducing TextClass as a subclass of DLXSClass::FullTextClass
- Print-on-demand functionality added.
- TextClassUtils obsolete, replaced by PIFiller object hierarchy.
- <?CSS_PATH filename="filename.css">
PIs added and deprecated DOC_ROOT PIs removed
- Made changes to footer text for relevant
template pages be extracting footer content out into
two chunk files, footer.chnk and footernolist.chnk,
which appear at the bottom of list type and no list
type pages.
bin/t/text, bin/WW
- importpageviewdata.pl: enhancements: * after processing a
page metadata file, remember the maximum page sequence
number encountered and purge any page metadata in
the database for page sequences greater than that
(potentially) new maximum
- WW/makeWordWheelFiles.pl: Fix counts so they agree with what
you can search for in TextClass.
- New modules TextAppXsltPIFiller.pm TextAppPerlPIFiller.pm
- New modules: TextClass subclasses CgmTC and CgmPartialTC supporting CGM protocol
Bib Class version 3.1.0
New and Changed Functionality
- Full support for XSL stylesheets
- Parallel set of templates with suffix '.xml' supporting XSL filtering.
- New modules BibAppPerlFilters.pm BibAppXmlFilters.pm supporting XSL stylesheets while maintaining support for Perl filtering.
Image Class version 3.0.0
New and Changed Functionality
- MySQL is supported in addition to XPAT for searching collection metadata. XPAT will likely not be supported in future releases of Image Class.
- JPEG2000 is supported in addition to MrSID. Behavior is identical. JPEG2000 command line compression/decompression utilities are provided.
- Configuration of field abbreviations and labels, as well as the mapping of fields for cross-collection searching, is now done in Collmgr.
Collectionmaps.pm and makeCollectionmaps-idx are no lnger used.
- The form of field abbreviations has changed. "dots" are no longer allowed. SGML may continue to have dots, no need to redo data.
As field abbreviations are migrated to Collmgr they must have "dots" converted to underscores.
- The Collmgr field "dfltsrchflds" now must include an abbreviation in the form "collid_all" to enable searching of the entire record.
This field should be mapped to ic_all in the field_xcoll_maps Collmgr field for full record searching in across collections.
- MySQL table structure for Portfolios has changed for increased data stability.
- Media support has been improved. Practically any form of media (QuickTime, Flash, MP3) can be included in Image Class. Level of support varies. Configuration of imageprep has changed significantly.
- bbentry.tpl
- changed dlxs.ma to dlxs_ma
- A PI was added to entry.tpl and bbentry.tpl
called "MEDIAEQUIVSTOOL" which displays links for
viewing item in different media formats. Anticipated
use is for video in more than one format.
- bbthumbfull.tpl
- bbthumbfull.tpl: significant changes
were made in order to support scrollable iframes on
the portfolio thumbfull pages. the same changes could
be applied to the thumbfull.tpl template.
- search.tpl
- Replaced missing javascript loading
element that caused the search tips not to open when
- small style change
- style tweak
- Changed search.tpl and searchgroup.tpl
to use "TIPSURL" PI.
- searchgroup.tpl
- announcement tweaks
- Changed search.tpl and searchgroup.tpl
to use "TIPSURL" PI.
- css/imageclass-ie-mac.css
- A few styles definitions were added
related to display of the bbthumbfull page.
- Added style used to display a message
when there are no related views for an item and a
mysql media table is not being used with the colllection.
- added toolsbg style def
- graphics/recinit.jpg
- this new graphic is used as part of
the "help" display in the bbthumbfull display.
- js/imageclass.js
- changes to support move away from Collectionmaps.pm
to collmgr management of field mappings, labels, etc.
- imageclass.js: significant changes
were made in order to support scrollable iframes on
the portfolio thumbfull pages.
- ICLocalUtils.pm
- Changes were made to improve support
for media formats other than images. Also, minor changes
were made to enable the reduction of customized templates.
In other words, some basic generalizations were made
so that class or group level templates can do the
- Dropped reference to Collectionmaps.pm,
which isn't used anymore.
- ImageApp.pm
- Fix server error: changed __AdjustOccurrenceCounts()
to AdjustOccurrenceCounts() for ARO changes to xclass.
- Made a change to ImageApp so that portfolios
can find items that have old ID delims. Made a change
to Image Class Utils to support new and old delims
in nextpreventry.
- Small changes to make portfolios work
properly with new as well as old isentryid delimiters.
- Fixed a bug that had disabled adding
to or deleting from Bookbag/Portfolio. Also made retrieval
of existing BookBag items more robust in the sense
that it now is better about retrieving and deleting
items with ids that are in older forms.
- Parameters passed to object creation
now a hash instead of an array.
- Major changes were made in order to
add support for mySQL to image class. ImageApp methods
were shifted and/or partitioned in order to simplify
subclassing for mySQL. With this commit, both xpat
and mysql should be largely functional. XClass searching
needs to be tested. The changes for mySQL provided
an opportune time to stop the use of full region names
in rgn parameters and to stop using Collectionmaps.pm.
These changes are complete with the exception if needing
some validity checking of rgn parameters.
- Changed all member data keys to lowercase
(ciowrapper, session, cgi, etc.)
- made to be compatable with lib changes.
also fixed bug in portfolios where missing items were
not being displayed as "missing" they were simply
not being displayed. other changes included a fix
for the problem where xcoll field data would not display
(e.g., dlxs_ma) and other little things.
- Changes were made to ImageApp.pm, ImageClassUtils.pm,
and imageclass.cfg to abandon the use of "storable"
freeze and thaw for the long-term storage of BookBag
items. The new mechanism stores BookBag items in a
seperate table, one per row. The freeze/thaw approach
was occassionally storing BookBags that could not
be thawed. The root of the problem was never discovered.
To faciliate this change and to migrate data from
the frozen storage to the new table, a script called
convertBookBag.pl has been created and can be found
in bin/i/image. It is important to read the comments
in the head of the convertBookBag.pl file to understand
the steps required to make this transition smoothely.
- Natural language query string now displays
properly on "no results" page. It was failing perhaps
due to a race condition related to the cgi redirect
that followed and storage of the natlangquery on the
session. Also fixed a bug with portfolios. When last
item of portfolio was deleted, an internal server
error occurred due to an attempt to insert non-existant
data rows into the BookBagItems table at the time
of storage.
- Changes were made to improve support
for media formats other than images. Also, minor changes
were made to enable the reduction of customized templates.
In other words, some basic generalizations were made
so that class or group level templates can do the
- Greater support for media formats was
added, which for ImageApp mostly meant the additon
of a pi handler for the mediaequivstool.
- A request for a bookmarked portfolio
would not redirect to the login page if the user was
not logged in. Now it does.
- A request for a bookmarked portfolio
would not redirect to the login page if the user was
not logged in. Now it really does.
- Cleaned up code and added comments
related to BookBag / Portfolio changes.
- ImageApp.pm::forceAuth now checks,
when opening portfolio, to see if the user is authed,
and if not, redirects to auth. this is most likely
to occur when a portfolio page has been bookmarked.
previously the behavior was to display the items the
user is authorized to use, but this could be confusing.
- ImageApp.pm: support for TOTALRESULTS
PI was added to results handler. It simply inserts
the number of total results. The intended use is in
bbthumbfull.tpl (portfolios) to create a referenceable
javascript variable that knows the total number of
results. This addition allowed the PI THUMBFULLJSARRAYS
to be deprecated. Minor mods were also made to maintain
the results view when opening a new portfolio, etc.
ImageClassUtils.pm: Primarily, changes were made to
support new functionality in portfolio's "thumb with
full record" view. iFrames are now used to allow scrolling
of thumbs while keeping the full record in it's place.
This functionaly can also be used in the regular (non-porfolios)
"thumb with full record" view, though it has not yet
been applied. Care was taken to maintain backward
compatibility with existing templates. As of this
commit, however, it is most likely that NS Nav 4.x
has some disfunctioning portfolio functions. Namely,
check/uncheck all items. imageclass.cfg: Minor changes
were made to "help" text for thumbfull views. Also
minor changes to the global var gWindowProps, which
specifies how certain pop-up windows are to be created.
- Minor changes to further advance support
for mysql. Added data_table field to collmgr. Changed
code to use data_table field. Changed nature of media_table
field. Instead of "yes"/"no" values, it now holds
the name of the media_table. Code was updated to use
media_table in this new way.
- Added support for 'SID' PI to all page
handlers. Dropped a related but unused subroutine
sidParam from ImageClassUtils.
- Fixed a bug that caused portfolios
to fail to display items in all cases. Stemmed from
Lib change that added cio to the list of parameters
passed to BookBagItem for initialization. Also added
use of new mediahost colldb field, which allows the
server that delivers images to be specified per collection.
The default is still specified in imageclass.cfg.
- Corrected a bug in the way links from
coll pages to group pages were built. Relates to GROUPSLINK
- JPEG2000 support was added to the middleware.
Also made a small change to mysqlImageApp.pm so that
it gets the data table name from Collmgr rather than
basing it on the collid.
- Corrected a bug in sorting when only
1 coll of group searched.
- ImageClassUtils.pm
- A minor modification was made to display
a list of all colls on the group selection page in
the situation where there are no groups defined in
- A minor modification was made to display
a list of all colls on the group selection page in
the situation where there are no groups defined in
- Some adjustments were needed in Image
Class utils in order to properly handle leading slashes
on webdir paths.
- Changed filtering of isentryid to support
"]" as a delimiter within the ID in additon to "-"
which has been used traditionally but has been problematic.
- added filtering for javascript window
naming to take "]" out of idnos.
- changed related views display code
to make it properly select a viewid (given recent
changes to isentryid) for entry link building.
- Made a change to ImageApp so that portfolios
can find items that have old ID delims. Made a change
to Image Class Utils to support new and old delims
in nextpreventry.
- A small fix to ImageClassUtils.pm ThumbRecordFilt
which was not reading collmgr field properly when
"bb"/bookbag/portfolio view.
- Fixed a bug that had disabled adding
to or deleting from Bookbag/Portfolio. Also made retrieval
of existing BookBag items more robust in the sense
that it now is better about retrieving and deleting
items with ids that are in older forms.
- Major changes were made in order to
add support for mySQL to image class. ImageApp methods
were shifted and/or partitioned in order to simplify
subclassing for mySQL. With this commit, both xpat
and mysql should be largely functional. XClass searching
needs to be tested. The changes for mySQL provided
an opportune time to stop the use of full region names
in rgn parameters and to stop using Collectionmaps.pm.
These changes are complete with the exception if needing
some validity checking of rgn parameters.
- made to be compatable with lib changes.
also fixed bug in portfolios where missing items were
not being displayed as "missing" they were simply
not being displayed. other changes included a fix
for the problem where xcoll field data would not display
(e.g., dlxs_ma) and other little things.
- minor fixes. recordFilter section labels
are no longer lowercased.
- made a small fix to record filt to
stop "empty" fields from displaying
- Image Class middleware was altered
to allow the maximum viewable image size to be restricted
based on the value of the imgsizemax collmgr field.
- Changes were made to ImageApp.pm, ImageClassUtils.pm,
and imageclass.cfg to abandon the use of "storable"
freeze and thaw for the long-term storage of BookBag
items. The new mechanism stores BookBag items in a
seperate table, one per row. The freeze/thaw approach
was occassionally storing BookBags that could not
be thawed. The root of the problem was never discovered.
To faciliate this change and to migrate data from
the frozen storage to the new table, a script called
convertBookBag.pl has been created and can be found
in bin/i/image. It is important to read the comments
in the head of the convertBookBag.pl file to understand
the steps required to make this transition smoothely.
- Natural language query string now displays
properly on "no results" page. It was failing perhaps
due to a race condition related to the cgi redirect
that followed and storage of the natlangquery on the
session. Also fixed a bug with portfolios. When last
item of portfolio was deleted, an internal server
error occurred due to an attempt to insert non-existant
data rows into the BookBagItems table at the time
of storage.
- Changes were made to improve support
for media formats other than images. Also, minor changes
were made to enable the reduction of customized templates.
In other words, some basic generalizations were made
so that class or group level templates can do the
- A minor change was made to the method
that concatenates meta field values so that it skips
empty fields.
- Fixed a bug where keylinks in thumbfull
results view were being built without a "c" parameter.
- added basic support for turning urls
into links in fields.
- Greater support for media formats was
added, which for ImageClassUtils.pm included a great
number of changes to the following subroutines...
imageDecision, parseImgInf, parseImgInfVariations,
and a few others to a lesser degree. Also, use of
the subroutine _ParamsToURL was dropped in favor of
the existing CGI method self_url.
- _ParamsToURL subroutine deleted.
- minor "view for type" changes
- Fixed bug in ImageClassUtils::convertInfFileData.
Extensions were not being parsed from filenames properly.
- ImageApp.pm: support for TOTALRESULTS
PI was added to results handler. It simply inserts
the number of total results. The intended use is in
bbthumbfull.tpl (portfolios) to create a referenceable
javascript variable that knows the total number of
results. This addition allowed the PI THUMBFULLJSARRAYS
to be deprecated. Minor mods were also made to maintain
the results view when opening a new portfolio, etc.
ImageClassUtils.pm: Primarily, changes were made to
support new functionality in portfolio's "thumb with
full record" view. iFrames are now used to allow scrolling
of thumbs while keeping the full record in it's place.
This functionaly can also be used in the regular (non-porfolios)
"thumb with full record" view, though it has not yet
been applied. Care was taken to maintain backward
compatibility with existing templates. As of this
commit, however, it is most likely that NS Nav 4.x
has some disfunctioning portfolio functions. Namely,
check/uncheck all items. imageclass.cfg: Minor changes
were made to "help" text for thumbfull views. Also
minor changes to the global var gWindowProps, which
specifies how certain pop-up windows are to be created.
- Minor changes to further advance support
for mysql. Added data_table field to collmgr. Changed
code to use data_table field. Changed nature of media_table
field. Instead of "yes"/"no" values, it now holds
the name of the media_table. Code was updated to use
media_table in this new way.
- Changes were made related to the use
of mysql as a search engine for image class. A bug
in the area of related views was fixed. Query building
was improved (the query itself is more efficient when
- Add to Bookbag from entry view was
generating an assertion error for mysql collections.
Fixed two small things and it is fine.
- getimage-idx was altered in order to
add mySQL support for metadata. Now it would work
with xpat, or mysql, and with our without a mysql
media_table. Part of this change included shifting
the mysqlSearchEngineInit subroutine from mysqlImageApp.pm
to ImageClassUtils.pm so that it can be also be used
by getimage-idx.
- Added support for 'SID' PI to all page
handlers. Dropped a related but unused subroutine
sidParam from ImageClassUtils.
- Adjustment for dropping of dddir collmgr
- Fixed a bug that caused portfolios
to fail to display items in all cases. Stemmed from
Lib change that added cio to the list of parameters
passed to BookBagItem for initialization. Also added
use of new mediahost colldb field, which allows the
server that delivers images to be specified per collection.
The default is still specified in imageclass.cfg.
- Corrected a bug in the way links from
coll pages to group pages were built. Relates to GROUPSLINK
- Modified the checking of old params
to flag occurrences of catX parameters and give the
user a link to the collection page.
- Portfolio pick list is now sorted by
userid and then portfolio name. This came at the request
of a faculty member.
- JPEG2000 support was added to the middleware.
Also made a small change to mysqlImageApp.pm so that
it gets the data table name from Collmgr rather than
basing it on the collid.
- Added cgi validity check to add a viewid
of "1" if none provided.
- Minor change to ImageClassUtils::browseAll
so that it now uses collmgr to determine the view
for browsing images.
- Searchbuild.pm
- Major changes were made in order to
add support for mySQL to image class. ImageApp methods
were shifted and/or partitioned in order to simplify
subclassing for mySQL. With this commit, both xpat
and mysql should be largely functional. XClass searching
needs to be tested. The changes for mySQL provided
an opportune time to stop the use of full region names
in rgn parameters and to stop using Collectionmaps.pm.
These changes are complete with the exception if needing
some validity checking of rgn parameters.
- made to be compatable with lib changes.
also fixed bug in portfolios where missing items were
not being displayed as "missing" they were simply
not being displayed. other changes included a fix
for the problem where xcoll field data would not display
(e.g., dlxs_ma) and other little things.
- Natural language query string now displays
properly on "no results" page. It was failing perhaps
due to a race condition related to the cgi redirect
that followed and storage of the natlangquery on the
session. Also fixed a bug with portfolios. When last
item of portfolio was deleted, an internal server
error occurred due to an attempt to insert non-existant
data rows into the BookBagItems table at the time
of storage.
- Sid2.pm
- Image Class middleware was altered
to allow the maximum viewable image size to be restricted
based on the value of the imgsizemax collmgr field.
- Greater support for media file formats
was added. Parameter passing in Sid2.pm was changed
for a few routines. Sidget2.pm had minor changes in
an attempt to improve downloading of media to disk
using content disposition headers. Some improvement
was achieved.
- Sidget2.pm
- corrected the mime-type for jpeg images,
which has been wrong for all of these years.
- Greater support for media file formats
was added. Parameter passing in Sid2.pm was changed
for a few routines. Sidget2.pm had minor changes in
an attempt to improve downloading of media to disk
using content disposition headers. Some improvement
was achieved.
- JPEG2000 support was added to the middleware.
Also made a small change to mysqlImageApp.pm so that
it gets the data table name from Collmgr rather than
basing it on the collid.
- getimage-idx
- Removed $userpath remnants from code.
- Major changes were made in order to
add support for mySQL to image class. ImageApp methods
were shifted and/or partitioned in order to simplify
subclassing for mySQL. With this commit, both xpat
and mysql should be largely functional. XClass searching
needs to be tested. The changes for mySQL provided
an opportune time to stop the use of full region names
in rgn parameters and to stop using Collectionmaps.pm.
These changes are complete with the exception if needing
some validity checking of rgn parameters.
- Image Class middleware was altered
to allow the maximum viewable image size to be restricted
based on the value of the imgsizemax collmgr field.
- A one line change was made to correct
a problem seen when displaying an image that exists
on the server as a series of fixed size images (e.g.,
small, medium, large jpegs) as opposed to a multi-res
sid file.
- Changes were made to improve support
for media formats other than images. Also, minor changes
were made to enable the reduction of customized templates.
In other words, some basic generalizations were made
so that class or group level templates can do the
- getimage-idx was enhanced for greater
support of media formats.
- Fixed a bug. "Image Access Restricted"
was not displaying when needed. Assertion error was
being generated.
- getimage-idx was altered in order to
add mySQL support for metadata. Now it would work
with xpat, or mysql, and with our without a mysql
media_table. Part of this change included shifting
the mysqlSearchEngineInit subroutine from mysqlImageApp.pm
to ImageClassUtils.pm so that it can be also be used
by getimage-idx.
- fixed bug related to old id retrieval.
- Minor change to getimage-idx to add
handling of tif, tiff, jpg extensions when there is
not a media_table.
- In a couple of spots, getimage-idx
had the mysql media table name hard coded when it
should have been getting it from the colldb. This
was corrected.
- JPEG2000 support was added to the middleware.
Also made a small change to mysqlImageApp.pm so that
it gets the data table name from Collmgr rather than
basing it on the collid.
- getthumbnail-idx
- Removed $userpath remnants from code.
- getthumbnail-idx was enhanced for greater
support of media formats. Changes were
- image-idx
- Removed $userpath remnants from code.
- Parameters passed to object creation
now a hash instead of an array.
- Major changes were made in order to
add support for mySQL to image class. ImageApp methods
were shifted and/or partitioned in order to simplify
subclassing for mySQL. With this commit, both xpat
and mysql should be largely functional. XClass searching
needs to be tested. The changes for mySQL provided
an opportune time to stop the use of full region names
in rgn parameters and to stop using Collectionmaps.pm.
These changes are complete with the exception if needing
some validity checking of rgn parameters.
- Minor changes to further advance support
for mysql. Added data_table field to collmgr. Changed
code to use data_table field. Changed nature of media_table
field. Instead of "yes"/"no" values, it now holds
the name of the media_table. Code was updated to use
media_table in this new way.
- Changes were made related to the use
of mysql as a search engine for image class. A bug
in the area of related views was fixed. Query building
was improved (the query itself is more efficient when
- imageclass.cfg
- Major changes were made in order to
add support for mySQL to image class. ImageApp methods
were shifted and/or partitioned in order to simplify
subclassing for mySQL. With this commit, both xpat
and mysql should be largely functional. XClass searching
needs to be tested. The changes for mySQL provided
an opportune time to stop the use of full region names
in rgn parameters and to stop using Collectionmaps.pm.
These changes are complete with the exception if needing
some validity checking of rgn parameters.
- Image Class middleware was altered
to allow the maximum viewable image size to be restricted
based on the value of the imgsizemax collmgr field.
- tweak
- reset image host url for dev enviro
- Changes were made to ImageApp.pm, ImageClassUtils.pm,
and imageclass.cfg to abandon the use of "storable"
freeze and thaw for the long-term storage of BookBag
items. The new mechanism stores BookBag items in a
seperate table, one per row. The freeze/thaw approach
was occassionally storing BookBags that could not
be thawed. The root of the problem was never discovered.
To faciliate this change and to migrate data from
the frozen storage to the new table, a script called
convertBookBag.pl has been created and can be found
in bin/i/image. It is important to read the comments
in the head of the convertBookBag.pl file to understand
the steps required to make this transition smoothely.
- Portfolio functionality is set to be
"off" for migration to new BookBag code.
- Natural language query string now displays
properly on "no results" page. It was failing perhaps
due to a race condition related to the cgi redirect
that followed and storage of the natlangquery on the
session. Also fixed a bug with portfolios. When last
item of portfolio was deleted, an internal server
error occurred due to an attempt to insert non-existant
data rows into the BookBagItems table at the time
of storage.
- imageclass.cfg was enhanced for greater
support of media formats. Changes were minimal, and
mostly included additions to the gWords hash..
- minor
- A request for a bookmarked portfolio
would not redirect to the login page if the user was
not logged in. Now it does.
- A request for a bookmarked portfolio
would not redirect to the login page if the user was
not logged in. Now it really does.
- ImageApp.pm: support for TOTALRESULTS
PI was added to results handler. It simply inserts
the number of total results. The intended use is in
bbthumbfull.tpl (portfolios) to create a referenceable
javascript variable that knows the total number of
results. This addition allowed the PI THUMBFULLJSARRAYS
to be deprecated. Minor mods were also made to maintain
the results view when opening a new portfolio, etc.
ImageClassUtils.pm: Primarily, changes were made to
support new functionality in portfolio's "thumb with
full record" view. iFrames are now used to allow scrolling
of thumbs while keeping the full record in it's place.
This functionaly can also be used in the regular (non-porfolios)
"thumb with full record" view, though it has not yet
been applied. Care was taken to maintain backward
compatibility with existing templates. As of this
commit, however, it is most likely that NS Nav 4.x
has some disfunctioning portfolio functions. Namely,
check/uncheck all items. imageclass.cfg: Minor changes
were made to "help" text for thumbfull views. Also
minor changes to the global var gWindowProps, which
specifies how certain pop-up windows are to be created.
- Fixed windowprops so they work with
netscape nav 4.
- Minor changes to further advance support
for mysql. Added data_table field to collmgr. Changed
code to use data_table field. Changed nature of media_table
field. Instead of "yes"/"no" values, it now holds
the name of the media_table. Code was updated to use
media_table in this new way.
- Changes were made related to the use
of mysql as a search engine for image class. A bug
in the area of related views was fixed. Query building
was improved (the query itself is more efficient when
- Added a global variable to act as a
switch for turning on and off mysql fulltext boolean
mode, which is only available in version 4.0.2 or
newer of MySQL.
- Fixed a bug in the use of "Boolean"
mysql searching.
- Fixed a bug that caused portfolios
to fail to display items in all cases. Stemmed from
Lib change that added cio to the list of parameters
passed to BookBagItem for initialization. Also added
use of new mediahost colldb field, which allows the
server that delivers images to be specified per collection.
The default is still specified in imageclass.cfg.
- Modified the checking of old params
to flag occurrences of catX parameters and give the
user a link to the collection page.
- JPEG2000 support was added to the middleware.
Also made a small change to mysqlImageApp.pm so that
it gets the data table name from Collmgr rather than
basing it on the collid.
- added one space to string.
- ImageApp/mysqlImageApp.pm
- first entry for additions to support
mysql as for image class content in image class. this
commital might have errors.
- Minor changes to further advance support
for mysql. Added data_table field to collmgr. Changed
code to use data_table field. Changed nature of media_table
field. Instead of "yes"/"no" values, it now holds
the name of the media_table. Code was updated to use
media_table in this new way.
- Changes were made related to the use
of mysql as a search engine for image class. A bug
in the area of related views was fixed. Query building
was improved (the query itself is more efficient when
- Add to Bookbag from entry view was
generating an assertion error for mysql collections.
Fixed two small things and it is fine.
- getimage-idx was altered in order to
add mySQL support for metadata. Now it would work
with xpat, or mysql, and with our without a mysql
media_table. Part of this change included shifting
the mysqlSearchEngineInit subroutine from mysqlImageApp.pm
to ImageClassUtils.pm so that it can be also be used
by getimage-idx.
- Added functionality to retrieve an
individual item by an old id that may have been bookmarked
or stored in a portfolio.
- minor change
- Added support for 'SID' PI to all page
handlers. Dropped a related but unused subroutine
sidParam from ImageClassUtils.
- Added a global variable to act as a
switch for turning on and off mysql fulltext boolean
mode, which is only available in version 4.0.2 or
newer of MySQL.
- Fixed a bug in the use of "Boolean"
mysql searching.
- Clarified query building options for
mysql in code and in comments.
- Minor mod to distinguish between an
undef and an empty media_table field.
- Modified the tagDBdata subroutine to
handle the most basic image filename extensions (without
needing to have a media table). Specifically, deals
with the situation where the image filename field
contains a filename that includes a filename extension.
If extensions other than tif, tiff, jpg are encountered,
a media table is required. It is also OK not to have
a filename extension.
- Minor change to getimage-idx to add
handling of tif, tiff, jpg extensions when there is
not a media_table.
- Fixed bug that caused record and image
counts to fail with mysql colls.
- Added phrase searching of a specified
field in order to enable accurate retrieval of IDs
that have non-alpha-numeric chars. The field can be
specfied in the field_admin_maps field of collmgr.
- Fixed bug that caused assertion error
when the user does not use the first search box.
- Fixed a bug in the bug fix that caused
assertion error when the user does not use the first
search box.
- JPEG2000 support was added to the middleware.
Also made a small change to mysqlImageApp.pm so that
it gets the data table name from Collmgr rather than
basing it on the collid.
- Corrected a bug in sorting when only
1 coll of group searched.
- getFlds.pl
- These scripts can be used to transfer
data from image class sgml to collmgr.
- getFlds_all.sh
- These scripts can be used to transfer
data from image class sgml to collmgr.
- icsgml2icmysql.pl
- first entry of script to convert image
class sgml to mysql tables for use with image class.
- Added index building commands in the
sql output. Added field size info for media table.
Fixed bug in field identification that in rare cases
would cause a row to not have the same number of columns
as expected.
- Problem corrected where entryauth data
was not being written to sql data loading file for
all items of the entry.
- Now looks to colldb to know which fields
need to be indexed for searching.
- small change.
- added collid to "all" field to enable
retrieval of all records by collid. this will only
work reliably with xpat or mysql 4. mysql 3 will probably
misbehave, but maybe not.
- idb
- changed isentryid delimiter to "]"
- A new reporting mechanism was added
to "idb". A simple tab-delimited report of entryid
and filename for MISSING image/media files is now
generated in the coll's prep dir. The files is called
- Support was added for a couple more
media formats.
- Many significant changes were made
relative to the handling of media files in the data
prep process. The goal being to expand support for
media types.
- Minor changes for friendlier handling
of index / indexprep dir options in imageprep and
idb. Also added confirmation of collid to idb.
- Changes to support JPEG2000.
- made a configuration change for bmp
files so that they map to jp2, sid, and then jpg.
they were all going to jpg, so all the old static
jpgs were being used rather than the sids.
- imageprep
- changes to fix a problem with fbfile
in the coll specific arena
- minor bug fix related to images in
dirs named "large"
- A problem was fixed in imageprep. It
wasn't properly accounting for multiple fixed size
images e.g., small, medium, large jpegs. A related
change was made to ImageClassUtils.pm so that the
middleware would display the multiple images properly.
- multimedia enhancements
- Many significant changes were made
relative to the handling of media files in the data
prep process. The goal being to expand support for
media types.
- Minor changes for friendlier handling
of index / indexprep dir options in imageprep and
idb. Also added confirmation of collid to idb.
- JPEG2000 support added.
- minor change
- imageprep.cfg
- A bug in imageprep was fixed. The number
of binary files was being calculated wrong and if
there were only 1 file, it would be skipped. Also,
minor changes were made to improve support for other
media formats, especially audio and flash.
- Many significant changes were made
relative to the handling of media files in the data
prep process. The goal being to expand support for
media types.
- Configuration changes for better support
of thumbs for fixed images.
- 10->4b/blake/rdist.blaketc
- reverting to jpeg2000-less version
for now
- JPEG2000 support added.
- configuration adjustment for jpeg2000
- Added better checking for binaries
mrsid_retrieve and kdu_expand.
- imagetobib.pl
- fixed id location problem
- stopped the cleaning of viewids for
url building because image class does not clean viewids
- DC.ri was not being output properly
due to a case sensitity problem
- commented out a debugging print statement
- Added tagging for DC.SO (source) as
in bib class sgml.
- Changed to use unnormed rather than
normed imageclass sgml for transformation to bib.
- localimageprep.cfg
- changes to fix a problem with fbfile
in the coll specific arena
- added a little sample configuration
- A problem was fixed in imageprep. It
wasn't properly accounting for multiple fixed size
images e.g., small, medium, large jpegs. A related
change was made to ImageClassUtils.pm so that the
middleware would display the multiple images properly.
- Added support for more media formats.
- Many significant changes were made
relative to the handling of media files in the data
prep process. The goal being to expand support for
media types.
- Minor changes for friendlier handling
of index / indexprep dir options in imageprep and
idb. Also added confirmation of collid to idb.
- Configuration changes for better support
of thumbs for fixed images.
- added configs for bp1ic
- Adjustment for apis thumbnails.
- putFlds.pl
- These scripts can be used to transfer
data from image class sgml to collmgr.
- Modified putFlds.pl to properly use
DLPS_DEV to determine which colldb row to
- putFlds_all.sh
- These scripts can be used to transfer
data from image class sgml to collmgr.
- setupcollindex
- commented out some of the perl replacements
because they cause troubl
- Corrected problems related to installation
and dlxsdataroot. This should address issues raised
by UPitt.
- convertBookBag.pl
- convertBookBag.pl was created to convert
user data stored in a BookBagDB table from the type
that uses the "storable" module to freeze and thaw
BookBag data for storage to the type that uses a separate
table (BookBagItems) to store items individually.
Broker20 version 1.1.0
New and Changed Functionality
- Incorporates support for the CGM protocol.
- CreateAndPopulateCGMTables.txt: contains sql commands used to create the cgm database used by the CgmTC subclass. These tables are created on a dlxs MySQL database.
Purge_CGM_Database: This file is executed from a cron job. It deletes cgm records that are two
hours old or older.
Collmgr version 3.1.0
New and Changed Functionality
- Deleting a released collection or group
deletes the collection or group every where. Added
"hold" functionality
- Added release of a single collection
at a time
- Added some checks so that when a user
reauthenticates after being logged in as admin he
will not go to web pages he should not be accessing.
- When a collection is inserted into
the dlxs database it checks if the collid is in use
by any user. It use to check if it was in use by release,
or the user inserting.
- Added some validatiion check for collid.
Collid for non bib class collections must be of the
form [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*.
FindaidClass version 5.0.0
New and Changed Functionality
- Major re-write of Finding Aids middleware making it a full DLXS class.
- Participates in the DLXSClass::FullTextClass object hierarchy.
- Supports EAD 2002 Standard for encoding Finding Aids.
- Configurable via collmgr
XClass version 2.1.0
New and Changed Functionality
- No change in DLXS release 11.
XslFallback version 2.1.0
New and Changed Functionality
- New CGI program supporting fallback of XML templates under XSL stylesheets.
IdResolver version 1.0.0
New and Changed Functionality
- New CGI program that supports the mapping of an ID into a URL for purposes of linking between teh DLXS mideleware classes. Previously Used internally at DLPS and now available to DLXS. The IdResolver CGI is integrated with the MySQL database configuration established in LibGlobals.pm.