Release Notes for DLXS Release 12 - 31 OCT
General Information
DLXS Release 12 is the first release of DLXS that primarily uses XML/XSLT
to deliver HTML. Unicode data, encoded as XML, is indexed and searched. XML
results and other dynamic data is further packaged as a XML and handed to
a set of XSL files which render HTML. As of Release 12, TextClass, ImageClass
and FindaidClass use this as the only way to deliver HTML. BibClass has not
yet been brought up to the same form of implementation.
The main changes in Release 12:
- *.tpl files no longer exist in Image, Text and Findaid
- JavaScript has been eliminated as much as possible
- Non-dynamic text is encapsulated in langmap.??.xsl files so that languages
other than English can be used for user interface elements
- Dynamic browse (ImageClass and TextClass) made possible by MySQL dlxs
database item-browse-related tables that are populated by
a separate utility script.
- XML / XSLT delivery for TextClass, FindingAid and ImageClass (similar
changes in BibClass not included Release 12)
- Cookie to hold session (rather than URL parameter)
- Pageviewer support for continuous
tone images
- Item level authorization (ImageClass and TextClass)
- Unicode / UTF-8 encoded
text, indexable by XPATu
- old home.tpl replaced by collection-specific
- language localization and collection-specific user interface
- prototype for newspaper viewing
- wordwheel exclusively UTF-8
Release 12 is comprised of:
Known Problems
Lib Known Problems
A coding error in the file DLXSROOT/lib/ manifests as: 1) loss of search history 2) loss of bookbag contents 3) inability to progress through different "slices" of results. The search history, bookbag and sort order of results are all saved in the session. The error causes a new session to be created each time the middleware runs resulting in the lost of whatever might have been saved in the previous session. The browser will only read cookies for the domain in the URL. The code is putting the wrong ( domain in the cookie.
Beginning at line number 144 you should see code that looks like this:
my $sessionCookie = new CGI::Cookie(
-name => $sessionCookieName,
-value => $sid,
-path => '/',
-expires => '+3h',
-domain => '',
Change the domain from "" to whatever domain your DLXS virtual host(s) run from. For example "". Make sure your new string has two dots in it.
XPAT Known Problems
Database Known Problems
Image Class Known Problems
XPAT version 5.3.2
- Bug fix for dd files with a large number of index points
correcting index point buffer reallocation and eliminating
memory leak.
- Bug fix for integrity checksum in new index point data
structure so checksum comparisons work across platforms with different
byte ordering.
Lib version 4.0.1
New and Changed Functionality
- Newspaper article and clip viewing with new class module
Text Class version 4.0.1
New and Changed Functionality
Bib Class version 3.2.1
New and Changed Functionality
There is a new subclass of BibClass that is able to query Z3950
engines. It uses Net::Z3950 to connect and create Z3950 queries
which it
then issues to a Z3950 search engine. Presently it is designed to
UTF-8 reponses from its Z3950 queries, so some of the template files
need to
be subclassed to handle the UTF-8 responses. The collmgr parameter
indicates the server where the Z3950 engine resides. It is important
note that presently it will only create queries for following fields:
author, pubyear, language, and id, and that it assumes that the
search engine has a database with the same name as the collid, which
indicated when connecting to the engine. Here at UM, we are using
Zebra as
our Z3950 general-purpose structured text indexing and retrieval
Image Class version 4.0.1
New and Changed Functionality
- Added dynamic browsing of items based on field values.
- Added portfolio export/download including all media and data records as
html files for simplified use.
- Easily make a portoflio public, or not.
- Reduction of javascript.
- Reduction of spawned/pop-up windows.
- Added bug fix for next/prev navigation in situation where "not searchable" item
is being viewed and user clicks "next" or "prev". As
it was, the same record would be retrieved (not next/prev) because the cgi
could not figure out which result was next/prev because the "not searchable" item
did not appear in the cached results id list. The solution is to store on
the session the id of the "chaperone" item (searchable) from which
the view of the "not searchable" item originated, and use it in
next/prev retrievals to sniff out the next/prev id from the cache.
- The option to truncate a field for display is no longer available due to
difficulties maintaining XML structure.
- Changed bookbag/portfolio actions menu so that javascript is no longer
- Image Class gained support for collection specific sort threshold.
- Better handling of media display with QuickTime plugin, esp. regarding
- Reduced the number of database connections created by Image Class by reusing
db connection from session whenever possible.
- Fixed a bug related to removing an item from a portfolio. Had to do with
proper identification of a record that did not have an image when the item
was added to the portfolio, but does when the user attempts to delete it.
- Better handling of portfolio items that are no longer available.
- Added "back" link for results, which is different now that a
new entry window doesn't pop open by default.
- Added option to pop open entry window.
- Fixed sort options for portfolios. Group sort options were being picked
up from last group stored on session.
- Any field in the data or media table can now be used for search, sort,
or display. This is a big improvement for collections with multiple images
per record making searching of the caption field desireable. This also removed
the dependency on the field labels collmgr field for verifying availability
of a field for searching and sorting.
- Dropped use of thumbfullresflds Image Class collection database field since
fields are not displayed with each thumb. dfltresentryflds specifies the
full record div fields to use. both are not needed.
- Added support for images being stored on any web server. URLs for thumbs
and other sizes must be encoded in .inf files. A media_table is required
if MySQL is being used to serve metadata.
- Altered RecordFilt to allow istruct/media table field values to be displayed
along with collection specific fields in the entry view, and under thumbnails,
- Fixed a bug in the XPat query building routine of Image Class in
Region substitution was failing to skip substituion when ic_all or collid_all
were in use. Symptoms only appeared when a non _all field was preceded by
a _all
field in the search submission. e.g. rgn1=ic_all rgn2=dc_ti failed, but rgn1=dc_ti
rgn=ic_all worked fine.
- A search submitted with no search terms is now handled better for xpat
collections. handling is consistent with that of mysql.
- Corrected an ugly bug in the media file http header output that caused
failure in a proxy situation.
- Apostrophes in q params are converted to asterisk to achieve better results
when searching mysql. XPat searches not affected.
- Added cgi param adjustment and support for new param "id". id
param should be a fully qualified id (includes collid, entryid, viewid).
assumption is there are no other params. this is for direct linking to specific
item. this simple id param is converted into the normal set of params used
to retrieve an item in entry view.
- There are all new tools for loading data to MySQL.
- XPat data preparation tools now support unicode.
- Imageprep now caches sid and jp2 file info in a text file adjacent to
the image file. On subsequent runs, cache file is updated if image file is
newer (according to modification date) than cache file. basic tests show
a significant performance increase (1.5x), on subsequent runs.
- Added reduction factor to jp2 info collection command. This is huge, perhaps
even phenomenal, speed increase for imageprep.
- Added to imageprep optional ability to create a MySQL table with a single
column of the filenames. This may be a useful aid to other dataprep tasks.
For example, dataprep for one collection will use it to sort out troubling
filename variations in the metadata.
- Added fixed 600 and fixed 1200 to imageprep.cfg. Filter requires each to
be in '600' and '1200' directories which is a change from the past.
- started to add guideframe in cgi. interface/xsl work not done. results
summary needs to be cached somehow so that when viewing results for focused
coll, links to other colls are present. cacheing in text class handled by
aro, and this should be investigated for image class.
Broker20 version 1.2.1
New and Changed Functionality
- Replaced 'sid URL parameter with cookie support
- Added code to
shorten url
- Added description to set
- Made a correction to the ListSets response
- Changed response date
format to be compliant with protocol
- Changed the way idno was
searched for
- Fixed bug where -bib would be substituted for bib
even if not at end of line. It should only be substituted at the
end of the line.
- Changed code to use DevUtils to access Debug_AUTHZ_COLL.
- Added
completeListSize to resumptionToken.
- Added carriage return to the
set description to make output more readable.
- Add setting of open
files (pipes) calls through OSResources.
- Remove OSResources.
- Added code to remove controlled chars from
- Added code so that comlpleteListSize is only computed
when a set is requested, resulting in fewer XPat
- Added
code to put in repository description in Identify verb.
- Commented out call to "Convert" routines, since the
data will now be in utf-8 format and not in iso8859-1.
- Added text for repository description in Identify verb.
- UM DLPS specific
- Added www
to a cgm LWP call. This is a chage to the CGM protocol.
- Added logic
so that if at UM (our base url) and no set is requested
for ListIdentifiers and ListRecords, the records returned
are from freeic-bib, restric-bib, freetc-bib, and restrtc-bib.
Collmgr version 3.2.1
New and Changed Functionality
- Clearer feedback for some operations.
- Added a confirmation message when a collid or groupid
is removed
- Added a display of the AGED status on the checkout collection
or group page
- Fields are now shown in alphabetical order
- Added reporting that a collection was not released
during a "release to production", when its hold
field is set to 'yes'
- Added a parameter to the connect database statement to so that
interactions with MySQL are done using utf-8
- Added functionality to copy collections
and groups, to make creating new collections and groups easier
(by duplicating an existing one and editing it)
dlxs database fields removed since Release 11a; not in Release
12's database version 5
FindaidClass version 6.0.1
New and Changed Functionality
XClass version 2.2.1
New and Changed Functionality