BibClass hierarchy
bibdb = bibliographic database
group = group of collections
a = record (b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i2,j,fmt,lang,type)
b = title statement (k,l,m,n,o,q,r)
k = title
l = author
m = editor
n = sponsor
o = funder
q = principal responsibility
r = responsibility statement (ad,ae)
ad = name
ae = responsibility
c = edition statement (s,r,p)
s = edition
r = responsibility statement (ad,ae)
ad = name
ae = responsibility
p = paragraph
d = extent
e = publications statement (t,u,ag,v,w,x,yr)
t = publisher
u = publication place
ag = imprint
v = address of publication place
w = id number
x = availability
yr = year
f = series statement (k,z)
k = title
z = cite (yr,pg,vo,is)
yr = year
pg = page
vo = volume
is = issue
g = notes statement (aa)
aa = note
h = source description (p,ab)
p = paragraph
ab = bibliography (k,l,s,n,m,ah,t,u,p,b,d,e,f,c,g)
k = title
l = author
s = edition
n = sponsor
m = editor
ah = scope of bibliography
t = publisher
u = publication place
p = paragraph
b = title statement (k,l,m,n,o,q,r)
k = title
l = author
m = editor
n = sponsor
o = funder
q = principal responsibility
r = responsibility statement (ad,ae)
ad = name
ae = responsibility
d = extent
e = publications statement (t,u,ag,v,w,x,yr)
t = publisher
u = publication place
ag = imprint
v = address of publication place
w = id number
x = availability
yr = year
f = series statement (k,z)
k = title
z = cite (yr,pg,vo,is)
yr = year
pg = page
vo = volume
is = issue
c = edition statement (s,r,p)
s = edition
r = responsibility statement (ad,ae)
ad = name
ae = responsibility
p = paragraph
g = notes statement (aa)
aa = note
i2 = textual classification (sg,kw)
kw = keyword (af)
af = subject term
sg = group of subjects (su)
su = subject
j = holdings statement (loc,url,colls)
loc = location
url = url
colls = collections (coll)
coll = collection
fmt = format
lang = language
type = type
st = street
ph = phone
fx = fax
em = email
ah = span
i = italic
grk = greek
sub = subscript
sup = superscript