Collection Manager (collmgr)
collmgr is a CGI program that functions as an interface to the collection
and group databases. This information is that which had been kept in the
groups and colldb tab-delimited files prior to the CDROM #8 release of DLXS.
Using collmgr, you can maintain this information in either a CSV database or
a MySQL database.
- collmgr running under CSV
- CSV files are actual text files, but interface lets them
behave as a database (It is important not to hand
edit the text files outside of collmgr)
- need to reside on the same machine as the middleware
- collmgr running under MySQL
- must install and maintain a MySQL database
- can be a networked database
- Workshop Note: workshop setup vs. our DLPS development
setup (this will make more sense after seeing how collmgr
interacts with the Middleware and after working through the installation
- workshop is in a production environment (no DLPS_DEV set)
- no user rows, only release and production rows; therefore,
no checkin checkout
- 'release to production' option always visible
Link to details on the
use of collmgr