Collection Manager (collmgr) Details
- $REMOTE_USER environment variable (likely to be set
"Basic Auth" in the virtual host); if set to dlxsadm,
release rows are visible, editable and moveable to production
- Let's look at a few examples of how collmgr is used to
manage collection data
- fields
- collection id, unchangeable
- host: where the data resides
- webdir: for finding html templates
- subclassmodule: possible collection specific Perl subclass
ofthe TextClass base class
- pdfchunk: number of pages to package up into one pdf
file for delivery in pageviewer
- qtytext: number of documents in this collection
- dd: one or more XPAT indexes for the collection
- termsearch: fields to display in simple search pulldown
- browsefields: list of fields that are to be
browseable via dyanmic browse
- moving rows from release to production; later
For a full list of the tables in the collection and group database,
see the DLXS
documentation on the metadata database schema.
For information on how the user name and DLPS_DEV environment
variable affect the data values retrieved from the database (how
to control testing vs. production vs. individual developers' environments),
see the DLXS
Documentation on the Interaction between database rows, users, DLXS
Middleware and collmgr