Directory Structure Overview
Under $DLXSROOT, which during the workshop will be set to /l1/workshop/username/dlxs,
you will find the following subdirectories:
A bit more detail is given for each of these main subdirectories:
- web/ (holds all the XML files and XSL stylesheets
used by the middleware to create HTML pages for delivery. These files
are used for the cross collection interface and any collections that do not
have their own specific pages.)
- c/class (xml and xsl files, css
files, graphics files)
- c/collection
- collection specific xsl files
- images/ (symlink to img directory in DLXSROOT for images that are
part of the collection's content
- example: /DLXSROOT/web/b/bosnia/
- cgi/ (holds all the DLXS middleware programs, their
configuration files if any, and some DLXS specific Perl class modules.)
- c/class (middleware perl scripts, related files; e.g.,
subclasses, cfg files)
- examples: DLXSROOT/cgi/t/text/, DLXSROOT/cgi/f/findaid/, DLXSROOT/cgi/i/image/
- lib/ (holds all the DLPS-created Perl library
modules used by the middleware.)
- obj/ (holds the XML
text data, any related page images)
- c/collection/ (possible collection based organization)
- a/b/c/abc1234/ (notis id or dlps document id based organization)
- misc/
- idx/
- c/collection/ (XPAT
index files; e.g., collection.dd, collection.idx. collection.rgn)
- WW/ (XPAT index files for collection's wordwheel)
- bin/
- c/class/ (directory maintenance, pageview preparation
scripts, etc.)
- c/collection/ (collection preparation scripts, data moving,
- WW/ (preparation scripts for collection's Wordwheel)
- img/
- c/collection/ (holds any inline images for the collection.
The web directory /dlxs/web/c/collection/ will have a subdirectory
"images" which is symlink-ed to this directory.)
- prep/
- c/collection/ (acts as a workspace for data preparation;
e.g., conversion from original DTD to the final "delivery" DTD)
DLXS-related miscellaneous directories not under DLXSROOT
- /tmp/sessions/ & /tmp/sessionslock/ (Session data files
and lock files. /tmp/ is where we at DLPS keep our session files, but it could
be anywhere (configured in lib/DlpsSession.cfg). Directories and files must
be owned by nobody (or be writable by world) so the web
server can write to them.
- /l/local/dlxsd where we
here at DLPS keep the dlxs daemon for use
in intermachine data sharing.