Directory Structure
Under the DLXSROOT
- web/
- c/class (html pages, html templates, other web subdirectories:)
- gifcvtdir/ (must be owner nobody so it is writeable
by the web server)
- graphics/ (graphics used in html pages)
- images/ (symlink to collection images in img/; see
- c/collection
- images/ (symlink to directories in DLXSROOT for thumbnails and other
- cgi
- /c/class (middleware perl scripts, related files; e.g.,
subclasses, cfg files)
- lib/ (perl modules)
- obj/ (sgml files, related page images, pageview.dat)
- c/collection/ (collection based organization)
- a/b/c/abc1234/ (notis id/dlps id based organization)
- /c/class/lib/
- db/ (colldb, groups)
- maps/ (TerminologyMapper files)
- idx/
- c/collection/ (XPat index files; e.g., collection.dd, collection.idx.
- WW/ (Xpat index files for collection's wordwheel)
- bin/
- c/class/ (directory maintenance, pageview preparation
scripts, etc.)
- c/collection/ (collection preparation scripts, data moving,
- WW/ (preparation scripts for collection's Wordwheel)
- img/
- c/collection/ (collection content images, if any)
Virtual Hosts in Web Server
- DLXSROOT environment variable
- DocumentRoot, ScriptAlias
DLXS miscellaneous files & directories of note
- /tmp/sessions/ & /tmp/sessionslock/ (Session data files
and lock files. /tmp/ is where we at DLPS keep our session files, but it could
be anywhere (configured in lib/DlpsSession.cfg). Directories and files must
be owned by nobody so the web server can write to them.)