package CollsInfo::CITC; # © 2000, The Regents of The University of Michigan, All Rights Reserved # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject # to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, # TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE # SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. BEGIN { # enable strict under development if ( $ENV{'DLPS_DEV'} ) { require ""; strict::import(); } } BEGIN { unshift ( @INC, '.' ); } use CollsInfo; use vars qw( @ISA ); # Subclass of module @ISA = qw( CollsInfo ); use DlpsUtils; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This module is the TextClass subclass of CollsInfo object (which see) # # The structure of this object is: # CollsInfo Object-> # (a hash 'colls' for all authorized collections # {'colls'}{ $collid } = TextClass Object (or subclass object of TextClass) # # {'authcollcount'} = number of authorized collections # {'authtextscount'} = number of texts in authorized collections # {'reqcollcount'} = number of requested collections # {'reqtextscount'} = number of textsin requested collections # # This subclass adds the following additional member data # # {'authcommontermsearchregions'} = ref to list of regions, common to # all authorized collections, to be used in region restriction # pull downs for term searches (e.g., simple, prox type searches) # {'authcommontermregionregions'} = ref to list of regions, common to # all authorized collections, to be used in region restriction # pull downs for region searches (e.g., boolean type searches) # {'reqcommontermsearchregions'} = ref to list of regions, common to # all requested collections, to be used in region restriction # pull downs for term searches (e.g., simple, prox type searches) # {'reqcommontermregionregions'} = ref to list of regions, common to # all requested collections, to be used in region restriction # pull downs for region searches (e.g., boolean type searches) # 'reqcommongenres'} = ref to list of genres common to all requested collections # 'reqcommongenders'} = ref to list of genders common to all requested collections # 'reqcommonperiods'} = ref to list of periods common to all requested collections # 'reqcommonlanguages'} = ref to list of languages common to all requested collections # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ********************************************************************** # NAME : new # PURPOSE : create a CollsInfo::CITC object # CALLED BY : main # CALLS : _initialize # INPUT : text file with delimted DB, ref to array of permitted collections # RETURNS : self object reference # NOTES : # ********************************************************************** sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; $self->SUPER::_initialize( @_ ); $self->_initialize( ); return $self; } # ********************************************************************** # NAME : _initialize # PURPOSE : to populate the CollsInfo object (eventually this should be # a call through DBI to a database (either tab-delimited flat # file or other) rather than parsing the file itself # See the other, commented out intialized sub below. # CALLED BY : $self->new # CALLS : # INPUT : tab-delimted file, ref to array of permitted collections # RETURNS : NONE # NOTES : adds collection info to object for just those collections # permitted; # ** eventually this should be a DBI based database access, but # as of now 2000-03-14 22:57:21 EST we can't get DBI::CSV to # work on current development machine; # so, simply parsing my own tab-delimted text file. # ********************************************************************** sub _initialize { my $self = shift; my ( @authCollsCommonTermSearchRegions, @authCollsCommonRegionSearchRegions, @reqCollsCommonTermSearchRegions, @reqCollsCommonRegionSearchRegions, @reqCollsCommonGenres, @reqCollsCommonGenders, @reqCollsCommonPeriods, @reqCollsCommonLanguages, ); # this will eventually hold the lowest value of all the collections' LEL values # set high now and compare all incoming to it. my $lowestLel = 999; # if the line read is in the permitted collections (those in @$rColls), add to object foreach my $collid ( $self->GetCollIds() ) { my @termsearch = $self->GetCollKeyInfo( $collid, 'termsearch' ); my @regionsearch = $self->GetCollKeyInfo( $collid, 'regionsearch' ); # Keep track of all search regions for authzd collections push ( @authCollsCommonTermSearchRegions, @termsearch ); push ( @authCollsCommonRegionSearchRegions, @regionsearch ); if ( $self->{'colls'}{$collid}{'requested'} ) { # Keep track of all search regions for requested colls push ( @reqCollsCommonTermSearchRegions, @termsearch ); push ( @reqCollsCommonRegionSearchRegions, @regionsearch ); # Keep track of all genres, genders, periods and languages for requested colls my @genres = $self->GetCollKeyInfo( $collid, 'genres' ); my @genders = $self->GetCollKeyInfo( $collid, 'genders' ); my @periods = $self->GetCollKeyInfo( $collid, 'periods' ); my @languages = $self->GetCollKeyInfo( $collid, 'languages' ); push ( @reqCollsCommonGenres, @genres ); push ( @reqCollsCommonGenders, @genders ); push ( @reqCollsCommonPeriods, @periods ); push ( @reqCollsCommonLanguages, @languages ); # Keep track of the lowest LEL fo all requested collections if ( $self->{'colls'}{$collid}{'lel'} < $lowestLel ) { $lowestLel = $self->{'colls'}{$collid}{'lel'}; } } } # Save the "lowest common denominator" of all the LELs encountered $self->{'lowestlel'} = $lowestLel; # Store away lists of common regions &DlpsUtils::SortUniquifyList( \@authCollsCommonTermSearchRegions ); $self->{'authcommontermsearchregions'} = \@authCollsCommonTermSearchRegions; &DlpsUtils::SortUniquifyList( \@authCollsCommonRegionSearchRegions ); $self->{'authcommonregionsearchregions'} = \@authCollsCommonRegionSearchRegions; &DlpsUtils::SortUniquifyList( \@reqCollsCommonTermSearchRegions ); $self->{'reqcommontermsearchregions'} = \@reqCollsCommonTermSearchRegions; &DlpsUtils::SortUniquifyList( \@reqCollsCommonRegionSearchRegions ); $self->{'reqcommonregionsearchregions'} = \@reqCollsCommonRegionSearchRegions; &DlpsUtils::SortUniquifyList( \@reqCollsCommonGenres ); $self->{'reqcommongenres'} = \@reqCollsCommonGenres; &DlpsUtils::SortUniquifyList( \@reqCollsCommonGenders ); $self->{'reqcommongenders'} = \@reqCollsCommonGenders; &DlpsUtils::SortUniquifyList( \@reqCollsCommonPeriods ); $self->{'reqcommonperiods'} = \@reqCollsCommonPeriods; &DlpsUtils::SortUniquifyList( \@reqCollsCommonLanguages ); $self->{'reqcommonlanguages'} = \@reqCollsCommonLanguages; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : GetLowestLel # PURPOSE : return the lowest of all the LEL values for requested colls # CALLED BY : # CALLS : NONE # INPUT : NONE # RETURNS : value of object's lowestLEL # SIDE-EFFECTS : NONE # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetLowestLel { my $self = shift; return ( $self->{'lowestlel'} ); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : GetAuthCollsCommonRegionsSearchRegions # PURPOSE : get sorted, uniq-ed list of all regionsearch region names # for all authorized collections # CALLED BY : ANY # CALLS : NONE # INPUT : NONE # RETURNS : array # GLOBALS : NONE # SIDE-EFFECTS : NONE # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetAuthCollsCommonRegionSearchRegions { my $self = shift; my @returnArray = @{ $self->{'authcommonregionsearchregions'} }; return @returnArray; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : GetAuthCollsCommonRegionsSearchRegions # PURPOSE : get sorted, uniq-ed list of all termsearch region names # for all authorized collections # CALLED BY : ANY # CALLS : NONE # INPUT : NONE # RETURNS : array # GLOBALS : NONE # SIDE-EFFECTS : NONE # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetAuthCollsCommonTermSearchRegions { my $self = shift; my @returnArray = @{ $self->{'authcommontermsearchregions'} }; return @returnArray; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : GetReqCollsCommonRegionsSearchRegions # PURPOSE : get sorted, uniq-ed list of all regionsearch region names # for all requested collections # CALLED BY : ANY # CALLS : NONE # INPUT : NONE # RETURNS : array # GLOBALS : NONE # SIDE-EFFECTS : NONE # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetReqCollsCommonRegionSearchRegions { my $self = shift; my @returnArray = @{ $self->{'reqcommonregionsearchregions'} }; return @returnArray; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : GetReqCollsCommonRegionsSearchRegions # PURPOSE : get sorted, uniq-ed list of all termsearch region names # for all requested collections # CALLED BY : ANY # CALLS : NONE # INPUT : NONE # RETURNS : array # GLOBALS : NONE # SIDE-EFFECTS : NONE # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetReqCollsCommonTermSearchRegions { my $self = shift; my @returnArray = @{ $self->{'reqcommontermsearchregions'} }; return @returnArray; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : GetReqCollsCommonGenres # PURPOSE : get sorted, uniq-ed list of all genres # for all requested collections # CALLED BY : ANY # CALLS : NONE # INPUT : NONE # RETURNS : array # GLOBALS : NONE # SIDE-EFFECTS : NONE # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetReqCollsCommonGenres { my $self = shift; my @returnArray = @{ $self->{'reqcommongenres'} }; return @returnArray; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : GetReqCollsCommonGenders # PURPOSE : get sorted, uniq-ed list of all genders # for all requested collections # CALLED BY : ANY # CALLS : NONE # INPUT : NONE # RETURNS : array # GLOBALS : NONE # SIDE-EFFECTS : NONE # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetReqCollsCommonGenders { my $self = shift; my @returnArray = @{ $self->{'reqcommongenders'} }; return @returnArray; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : GetReqCollsCommonPeriods # PURPOSE : get sorted, uniq-ed list of all periods # for all requested collections # CALLED BY : ANY # CALLS : NONE # INPUT : NONE # RETURNS : array # GLOBALS : NONE # SIDE-EFFECTS : NONE # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetReqCollsCommonPeriods { my $self = shift; my @returnArray = @{ $self->{'reqcommonperiods'} }; return @returnArray; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : GetReqCollsCommonPeriods # PURPOSE : get sorted, uniq-ed list of all periods # for all requested collections # CALLED BY : ANY # CALLS : NONE # INPUT : NONE # RETURNS : array # GLOBALS : NONE # SIDE-EFFECTS : NONE # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetReqCollsCommonLanguages { my $self = shift; my @returnArray = @{ $self->{'reqcommonlanguages'} }; return @returnArray; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : GetTotalRecords # PURPOSE : retrieve total records in all collections # CALLED BY : TextClassUtils::BuildTotalResultsString # CALLS : NONE # INPUT : NONE # RETURNS : total records in all collections # SIDE-EFFECTS : NONE # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetTotalRecords { my $self = shift; return $self->{'totalrecords'}; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : SetTotalRecords # PURPOSE : store total records in all collections # CALLED BY : $self->UpdateCrossCollNumbers # CALLS : NONE # INPUT : number of records # RETURNS : NONE # SIDE-EFFECTS : sets data value in this object # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SetTotalRecords { my $self = shift; my $n = shift; $self->{'totalrecords'} = $n; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : GetTotalHits # PURPOSE : retrieve total matches in all collections # CALLED BY : TextClassUtils::BuildTotalResultsString # CALLS : NONE # INPUT : NONE # RETURNS : number of total matches # SIDE-EFFECTS : NONE # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetTotalHits { my $self = shift; return $self->{'totalhits'}; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME : SetTotalHits # PURPOSE : store total matches in all collections # CALLED BY : $self->UpdateCrossCollNumbers # CALLS : NONE # INPUT : number # RETURNS : NONE # SIDE-EFFECTS : sets data value in this CollsInfo object # NOTES : # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SetTotalHits { my $self = shift; my $n = shift; $self->{'totalhits'} = $n; } 1; # Truth